The Official No Shirt, No Shoes, Great Service!
ENT*EP Rating System:

75+: Outstanding Episode
20-50 points: Good Episode
50-75 points: Very Good Episode
10-20 points: Average Episode
Keep Track!
1) Trip's hair mussed or loose: 5 points __________
2) Trip's hair spiked: 5 points __________
3) Trip's face stubbly: 5 points __________
4) Trip's hair mussed or spiked, plus a stubbly face: 20 points (due to synergism) __________
5) Trip eats or discusses food: 10 points __________
6) Reed gets to blow something up: 10 points __________
7) Trip does something especially cute (little dance, forehead snuggle, cries at movie): 10 points __________
7a) If you automatically go 'AAAAWW!', add on 10 points __________
8) Trip gives T'Pol his 'WTF look' (or says it): 10 points __________
9) Trip scarcely appears: Minus 10 points --________
10) Trip scarcely appears, but major discussion of the formation of the federation, prime directive, development of tractor beams, or Trip/Archer back story does occur. Or Porthos appears: 10 points __________
11) Trip has major screen time: 20 points __________
12) Porthos has major screen time: 20 points __________
13) Reed smiles: 20 points __________
14) Trip removes a major article of clothing (does not include shoes, socks, away jacket, or hat): 20 points __________
15) Trip removes a major article of clothing, and shares time with any major character (but Phlox) in decon: 20 points __________
16) Trip removes a major article of clothing, and he takes off his undershirt (or has none on): 50 points __________
16a) For shaved chest add on 5 points __________
16b) For hairy chest add on 10 points __________
17) Trip removes a major article of clothing and his undershirt, plus he takes off his briefs: 10,000 points __________
Please write down hospital phone number here in the event that Item 17 occurs:(____)__________