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Mirror Image

Author - Crosis | Genre - Alternate Universe | M | Main Story | Rating - PG
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"Mirror Image"

By Crosis

Rating: PG (Mirror universe genre)

Disclaimer: Enterprise is a production of paramount.


Trip finished his dish of pan fried catfish and felt his stomach. He was
pleasantly plump.

Trip: Nicely done chef.

Trip walked slowly out of the mess hall and made his way to engineering.

Trip: How's everything on this end?

Engineer: Everything is good, sir.

Trip: Good to hear. Alright, you get some rest. I'll watch over this baby.

Engineer: Thank you sir.

Trip looked over the consoles and everything was normal. He even took out a
padd and watched one of his favorite oldie movies. A beeping panel called
his attention from it.

Trip: What the?

The panel flashed red and Captain Archer came over the intercom:

Archer: Attention crew. We have encountered a strange anomaly, a large ion
storm. It will get a little rocky so brace yourself. Archer out.

Trip: Uh oh. Cap'n! Somethin’ strange goin’ on down here! A panel is goin’

A strange piller of light came out of a wall and struck Trip down to the

Archer: Trip? Commander, come in!

T'Pol: It appears that the ion storm has passed us by.

Archer: Already? What the hell is going on in engineering. Engineering come

Engineering: ....Engineering here sir!

Archer: Where is Commander Tucker?

Engineering: He's not here.

Archer: Where did he go? Tea time? He was just there!

T'Pol: Captain, perhaps it would be best to calm down.


Trip woke up and his vision was blurred.

Trip: What...what happened?

Trip's vision cleared and he was in engineering. At least it looked like
engineering. Everything was where it should have been. The console was still
flashing red. Trip saw several men in what looked like old military
uniforms. Trip looked down and noticed he had a uniform just like them.

Trip: What’s going on? What the hell y'all wearing?

Engineer: Commander. There you are. The captain was "concerned."

Trip: Tell him I'm fine.

Archer: Engineering? Trip?

Trip: I'm here Cap'n. I'm ok.

Archer: What the hell are you doing laying around? You stay at your shift!
You don't go waltzing off during your shift! Now get back to work or I will
have you scrubbing plasma conduits for life!

Trip: A-all right.... Jeez what's up his butt...?

Engineer: Commander. You’re giving me an opportunity. Thanks.

Trip: Huh?

Engineer: Once you’re out of here, I'll be the head cheese.

Trip: Head cheese? Lieutenant? Are you feeling all right?

Engineer: Never better sir.

Trip: I'm going to my quarters. Take care of engineering.

Trip ran out of engineering and walked down the corridor. Lower ranking
officers gave him a salute and Trip glared at them.

Trip: What the hell is going on? The crew is goin’ bonkers.

Trip entered his quarters. He walked over to his sink and splashed some
water on his face. He sat down and peered at his uniform.

Trip: What is this...Medals and insignia..A green colored

Archer: Trip? Where the hell are you??

Trip: I'm in my quarters captain!

Archer: Get your ass to the bridge, NOW.

Trip: O-on my way.


On the "normal" Enterprise...

Archer and T'Pol walked down to Engineering.

Engineer: Sir, I found Commander Tucker. He was lying in the corridor.

Archer: Trip, are you ok?

Mirror Trip: Sir, yes, sir!

Archer made a puzzled face at T'Pol.

M. Trip: I am ready to resume duties. sir!

Archer: Trip, are you feeling ok?

M. Trip: Sir... Why the uniforms? Has there been a change in protocol

Archer: Not that I'm aware of.

M. Trip: Sir! I apologize for my absence at my station! I will report to the
agony booth!

Archer: Agony booth? What...?

M. Trip: I understand my error.

Archer: Commander, I want you to report to Doctor Phlox. I'll come with you.

M. Trip: If that is your wish, sir.


On the "Mirror" Enterprise...

The normal Trip walked down a corridor to a turbolift and onto the bridge.
When he got there, it was basically the same bridge. Same layout, same
consoles. Except the bridge staff looked different. T'Pol was wearing a
skimpy uniform and Mayweather had a large gash across his face. Reed
approached from behind him. Trip looked down and saw a Dagger in Reed's

Trip: What the hell?

M. Reed: Is there a problem?

Trip: I don't know. Has Mayweather always had a scar on his face?

M. Mayweather: The first mission remember? One of those stupid Klingons.

Trip: Sub Commander, since when do you show your belly?

M. T'Pol: Attire is not your concern, the engines are. Now, the captain is
expecting you. It would be wise to report to him.

Trip: I'll do that.

Trip walked into Archer's office and Archer was sitting down on a chair,
feeding Porthos cheese. Porthos barked at Trip and ran over to him,

Trip: Whoa! Easy boy!

Archer: I don't blame him for having a bad attitude towards you. Your work
has been unsatisfactory, commander. I see you down there, chatting with
officers and joking around. No, that's not how things work here. This is a
warship, not some pleasure cruise!

Trip: War ship?

Archer: You see? You think these campaigns are an opportunity to be a comic.

Trip: Campaigns...?

Archer: Am I not getting through to you, COMMANDER?? I've been patient with
you. REAL patient. But I will not tolerate your loose behavior. You will
report to Dr. Phlox, immediately. Dismissed!

Trip: Cap-

Archer: I said Dismissed!

Trip stumbled out of the Captain’s ready room, confused. He got onto the lift
and headed down to sickbay. Trip saw the same thing on every corridor, women
half naked and men carrying around daggers. Trip heard a small scream from
behind him and noticed that a male officer had touched a female officer in
an "inappropriate place" Trip ran towards the scene.

Trip: Just what the hell do you think you're doing??

Male officer: Relax..Oh...Commander! I apologize! I did not know that she
was yours!

Trip: M-mine?

Male officer: I'll go check on security stations, sir!

The officer ran off. Trip took a deep breath and sighed. Commander Tucker
continued down the corridor and into sickbay. When he got there, the room
was darkly lit and it seemed empty. The room smelled of blood and
perspiration. Trip heard a voice in the distance.

Phlox: Who's there?

Trip:'s me, Tucker!

Phlox: Oh yes...Not living up to captain’s expectations are we?

Dr. Phlox appeared from a dark corner of the room, wearing a surgical gown
that was dripping with blood.

Trip caught the stench of human blood from his gown and gagged a little.

Trip: What's going on in here?

Phlox: Nothing to be concerned with. It's that spy, the one that's been here
from the beginning. I got the captain’s permission to dissect him.

Trip: Er...I think I should be going now.

Phlox: Nonsense! Please sit down. I will find what is bothering you. I

Trip gulped and hoped to God that this was all a dream.

Phlox: Lie down please.

Dr. Phlox went into a drawer and took out several tools, sharp tools.

Trip cringed and sat up straight.

Phlox: Lie down. That's an order.

Dr. Phlox activated one of the sharp objects and it began to rotate like a

Trip: No way!

Phlox: What?

Trip: No. No...This--this isn't right! You're not Phlox! You're not Phlox!
Don't come any closer!

Phlox: I can see that you are obviously distressed over something.

Trip: Stay away from me, you butcher! Tell me what’s going on!

Phlox: All I know is that you need to calm down, and I need to perform an
examination. If you don't comply, you will be sent to the agony booth.

Trip: What? What booth?

Dr. Phlox advanced toward Trip and Trip drew back towards the rear of

Trip: I'm warning you, stay away!

Dr. Phlox took out a small triangular shaped device and pinned Trip to the
ground. He put the triangular device on Trip's chest. Trip yelled out in

Trip: Aaaah! What the hell??

Phlox: I didn't want to use the agonizer. If you don't get on the table you
will end up dead!

Trip: Son of a bitch!

Trip managed to free himself from Phlox's hold and hook him across the cheek
with his right fist.

Trip: You'll end up dead if I don't get answers!

Trip heard footsteps from behind him.

Phlox: Hmph. Security will be here in a matter of seconds. If I can't
examine you, they will.

Trip looked around for a quick exit. He looked towards the ceiling and saw a
loose tile. He jumped onto the table and managed to climb into the crawlway
above him.

Phlox: Security, he's above us...


The Mirror Trip was confused while walking down the corridor. Things seemed
totally bizarre. Officers were smiling and some were even socializing in

Mirror Trip: Hey! Cap'n, did you see that??

Archer: See what?

M Trip: The-The officers were talking out of line!

Archer: Out of line? All right, Commander. Take it easy. We're almost to

Archer and the Mirror trip walked into sickbay. The Mirror Trip looked
around and sniffed a clean odor in the air.

M Trip: Ugh, it smells like flowers in here!

Phlox: Hm. They are my collection of Andorian Tulips.

M Trip: Tulips, doc. (Scoffs)

Phlox: What is the problem?

M Trip: Ah I understand. They contain a toxin right? You're planning to
eradicate the population of the colony on Pyson III.

Phlox: I assure you Commander, you are wrong. What's the problem Captain?

Archer: Commander Tucker has been acting a bit odd lately. He seems to think
that this is a ship bent on invasion and destruction. I need to know what's
wrong with him.

Dr. Phlox took out a small medical device and began to scan the Mirror
Commander Tucker. Dr. Phlox removed his shirt and noticed a large gash on
his back.

Phlox: What...What is this?

M Trip: You don't 'member? Back when I was bein’ disabornate..a year ago?

Phlox: You have never had this mark before.

M Trip: What's going on here...

Phlox: Other then that large gash on your back, you’re fine.

M Trip: Has the whole galaxy gone crazy? What the hell is going on?? Where's
your crazy instruments doc?? Where's the security guarding the doors??
Where's the captain’s woman??

Archer: Cap-captain’s woman???

M Trip: I-I...this is some kind of joke right? Or-or is it a dream?

Phlox: His blood pressure and brain waves are acting strange...

Archer: I can tell!

M Trip: Some kind of experiment? Trying to see how long I can go without
losing my cool? Some type of training? By God the academy was enough!!

Archer: Just calm down.

M Trip: No! NO! Arghh! Lemme out!!

The Mirror Trip ran frantically out of sickbay and charged into a few people
on the way.

Archer: Alert security. Doc, what's going on?

Phlox: Captain...I- this is Commander Tucker. The scans confirmed that. But
something..something isn't right. His brain waves, they are very different
then they were the last time Commander Tucker came to sickbay.

Archer: Could it be an illness?

Phlox: I've never seen an illness like this. There is Lhing syndrome but he
has had no case of psychological trauma...

Archer: Then....this shouldn't be....possible. It's like he's lost his mind.

A voice came over the intercom. Captain, this is Mayweather. That ion storm
is creeping up on us again. It may get violent.

Archer: I've got to get to the bridge. I hope nothing happens to Trip...
He...I wouldn't know how to continue on this ship...without his input...

Phlox: Go, captain. The bridge needs you.


Trip continued to crawl his way through the damp sticky airways of the
Enterprise...Not his Enterprise, he thought. Below him he could hear weapon
discharges. He hurried as fast as he could, scrambling for his life. His
uniform got caught on a piece of metal and he was stuck for a minute. That
minute seemed like an eternity to him as he wiggled out of his coat as
quickly as he could. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and he was
losing breath. He stopped for a minute and tried to catch his breath.

A voice came over the intercom. It was Captain Archer's.

Mirror Archer: Attention crew. Your Chief Engineer, or maybe I should say
former chief engineer has decided to shame all of us. He has mutinied. If
any officers come upon this man, you have orders to kill him.

Trip: Mutiny? Shucks.

Trip felt the ship rock underneath him.


The Mirror trip continued to run through the corridors, ignoring the
security's orders to halt. The ship shook and Mirror Trip fell. He must have
sprained his ankle, for he had trouble getting up.

Mirror Trip: Aughh!


Different dimensions collide for an instant. Both Enterprises entered the
ion storm and it shook them both violently. Both Tuckers saw a flash and
both got a strange tingling feeling in their bodies.


It was dark. Trip opened his eyes slowly and he noticed that he was staring
into the eyes of a fellow crewmember.

Phlox: Commander?

Trip: Whoa...PHLOX!!! What did you do to me??

Phlox: were lying in a corridor, and you looked dehydrated...not to
mention bruised.

Trip: What...I-- Sickbay looks like heaven...

Phlox: Why thank you.

Archer: Heaven?

Trip: Captain! Are you sane now?

Archer: I was going to ask you a similar question. Dr. Phlox is still
sorting it out but we do know that you were not on this Enterprise up until
a few hours ago.

Trip: Huh? Say again?

Archer: You weren't on the Enterprise.

Trip: You wanna bet? It was the same ship! Minor differences but the decks
and materials were the same!

Phlox: We were able to determine that you were on a different dimensional
plane, so to speak. I know the Vulcan science directorate is going to reject
this explanation but it is the only one I have.

Archer: Don't worry Trip... The Vulcans may think it's a bunch of bull...but
I'm just glad to have a good, sane engineer back.

Trip: I'm glad too, Cap'n! Phew...You would not believe me even if I told ya
what it was like!

Archer: Well your counterpart was surely interesting. Something about a
captain’s woman...

Trip: Captains woman? Who was it? Hoshi?

Archer: Trip. I have no idea.

Trip: Oh no. My double...there gonna kill him! I-I kinda made him a
mutineer...God damn...

Archer: They couldn't kill you Trip. In either dimension. You're just...too

****************THE END*************

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

What do y'all think?

I enjoy mirror universe stories, and this one did not disappoint! I am curious why Trip was a good guy in the other universe, because that is how I see him in the MU as well. Was Archer just being kind when he told Trip that M Trip would be OK because no captain would kill a valuable engineer? And, of course, who was the captain's woman? Loved how creepy and scary Archer and Phlox were. Thanks!

Good story! You'll have to do a sequel where we find out what happened to MU Trip and who the captain's woman was!

MU Phlox was spot-on! I could see him being like that - eeeek!

Thanks! To answer your question, Myst123,people in the mirror universe aren't really evil, there just....very disciplined. lol. As we saw in the TOS episode Mirror, Mirror, the normal Kirk convinced the Mirror Spock to go against Mirror Starfleets violent ways. And hopefully when M. Trip gets back to his own universe he'll be able to explain what happened! As for the captain's woman....I'm not telling! ;)

Keattrin, I may very well do a sequel if more ideas seep into my brain. :) I gotta admit, M. Phlox got a lot of his characteristics from some of Stephen King's villains personalities!

Great story Mark, brilliant action and some excellent comedy moments.

And for all of you asking...


Thanks! I'm not even gonna comment on your captains women comment!

Yes, a sequel! I want to find out what happens to M Trip when he gets back - did the unnamed Engineer become head cheese?

Has Trek ever done a total MU ep?

Hmm, maybe I mean always violent rather than always evil. I thought Spock escaped it because he was Vulcan. I'm not sure why M Miles escaped being violent in DS9. Anyway, even in a MU, I can't see Trip being violent. Is he called Trip in the MU?

Yes, I'd imagine that's what he'd be called, for short :)

Excellent work! Defenitely do a follow up on what happend to mirror trip when he got back. Maybe they're still round the nebula 7 the 2 Archers meet or something aswell as the Trip part. As for a total mirror ep, no such luck, its always been someone crossing over.

Thanks Colonel. With school coming up, I will no doubt be occupied but I will definetely try for a sequel

Brilliant! Any chance of a sequel?

Thank you!

It's interesting, I haven't been here in a couple of years, and since then there has been a total mirror episode, on ENT. Nevertheless, if I find the time, I will try for a sequel!