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The Miles That Lay Ahead- Chapter 22

Author - Gabi
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The Miles That Lay Ahead

by Gabi

Genre: Action/Adventure/Angst
Rating: PG-13 (one or two chapters will be rated R later on)

Disclaimer: in chapter 1.


Chapter 22

Satisfied, Jeren looked at the phial in his hand that contained some milliliters of the antidote he had synthesized from Trip's blood sample. This could be Renelan's last chance. It was still based on human blood, and adapting it to the Renelan metabolism would require a lot more tests, but Jeren was confident that he would succeed in doing so. He put the phial aside and sat down at the computer that had just finished some complicated calculations to itemize the compounds of Malcolm's uncontaminated blood.

If he knew about the difference between human and Renelan blood it would be only a small step to designing the cure.

Jeren wanted to save the test's results on his disc, but accidentally pressed a wrong key. The screen went black. Oh no! Jeren bit his lip. Had the results been erased, or had they just vanished in the depth of the computer? Jeren sighed deeply, wishing Erianna were here. She knew a lot more about computers than he ever would. He wasn't very skilled where technical things were concerned and had only learned to do what he needed for his work. In fact, the Health Center's sophisticated and powerful computers were still a mystery to him. Only few people had gotten the opportunity to learn more about computers, since the advanced models had been restricted to science and research. Jeren had to admit it was a very effective method to prevent a worldwide information web, but the disadvantages for physicians like him were enormous. Frustrated, he started a search for his lost results. It would be more than annoying if he had to do all the tests from scratch. He couldn't believe that an advanced computer like this one would simply delete all the data on the screen without his explicit order to do so.

Jeren frowned when he found a strange directory he was sure he hadn't created. He gasped for his breath when he opened the files that contained all the tests and examinations he had completed during the last days. Being very cautious where these things were concerned, he never saved the results on the hard disc, but only on the floppy he took home with him every day. It seemed, however, that the computer had secretly produced a backup file of every single test and had saved the data in this directory. All of his examinations of Trip's and Malcolm's blood, all his knowledge about T-14 and even about the cure were neatly recorded. Jeren's mind was racing, and he hardly noticed that his hands had grown ice cold. He was going to kill this snitch Kenan for this. The man was lucky he had to assist another physician today and hadn't shown up here up to now. But Kenan wasn't important at the moment. Important was the question whether he had already delivered these tests to Tasur. Jeren's anger boiled up again when he thought about the consequences Kenan's betrayal could have. If Dorsik knew all about the T-14 in Trip's blood and about the cure it wasn't necessary for him to do his own tests. Then Trip was in great danger. He and Malcolm were no longer safe at Jeren's home. He had to call Erianna and tell her to go to Arissa immediately.

The door to the laboratory flew open, revealing a very agitated Kenan. "Jeren, do you know..."

Jeren started, grabbed Kenan's arm, pressed his elbow against the other man's throat and slammed him against the wall. "Yeah I do know, you dirty little spy. Have you already told them about my latest results? Does Dorsik know already? Tell me before I strangle you with my bare hands."

Kenan looked at him with big eyes. "What are you talking about, Jeren? I'm not a spy. I'm a member of the resistance movement. But that isn't important now. They just brought your friend to the left wing."

Jeren stared at him, perplexed. "My friend?"

"Yes, the one who can't walk." Carefully, Kenan took Jeren's arm and slowly pulled it away from his throat. "I saw him when I came out of the laboratory. His hands were tied behind his back and they had gagged him. It was clear that he isn't here of his own will. You have to do something, Jeren, and soon. I've seen Dorsik here. That's not a good sign."

Jeren still was staring at Kenan. He felt totally numb. So many thoughts whirled through his mind, he wasn't able to make sense of them. Trip was here? And what about Erianna? What about Malcolm and Arissa? They surely hadn't just stood by and allowed the governor's men to take Trip away. Had they been harmed? Was there anything he could do for Trip? He had no permission to enter the left wing. And Dorsik surely had brought some guards with him. Could he even trust Kenan? Perhaps all of this was some sort of trap. If he wasn't the spy then who else could it be?

"Jeren!" Kenan grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Don't just stand there! If you don't do something now, it will be too late to save your friend."

Jeren pulled himself together, deciding to trust Kenan. He turned around and ran to the entrance hall. The secretary's curious gaze followed him as he walked towards the two consultants who were sitting on call in front of the big double door; two colleagues Jeren always had liked in spite of their profession. He doubted that the consultants even knew what they were doing here. He supposed most of them still believed that they were only providing a better medical care for those people that they were going to send to the left wing so they could be treated by the "specialists".

The consultant sitting on the left looked up and smiled at Jeren. "Where are you going, Jeren?"

"A friend of mine was just brought in. I have to talk to him."

The consultant shook his head. "I'm sorry, Jeren," he said regretfully. "You're not allowed to enter the left wing."

"Please, could you make an exception for once?"

"Is your friend hurt?" the other consultant asked. "Dorsik is on duty today. I'm sure he can help him."

Jeren took a deep breath. It was futile. He couldn't explain to the consultants that Dorsik was here to kill Trip rather than to help him. They would never believe him. He had to come up with something different. Most importantly, he needed more time to develop a rescue plan.

"I don't think so," he told them with a sad expression. "My friend is suffering from CDS in the final stage. I'm not going to see him again."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Jeren," the first consultant said. "But you know the rules. You should have said good-bye before when there was still time."

"I didn't know his condition would deteriorate so rapidly. Please do me a favor. Make sure Dorsik will allow him to talk to a counselor."

The second consultant frowned. "That's the usual procedure."

"But my friend isn't from Renelan. Dorsik might think he can ignore the Renelan customs in his case."

The two consultants looked at each other. "Letting him talk to a counselor is the least you can do for a dying person," the first one said resolutely, then turned to Jeren. "I'll take care of this, you can count on me."

"Thank you. Please ask him to greet my friend from me. Tell him I think of him."

"I promise." The consultant got up and squeezed Jeren's arm in sympathy, then he took a keycard out of his shirt's pocket and opened the door with it. Jeren looked after him until the doors slid shut then he headed for his laboratory.


Arissa looked up when she heard her baby cry. She had been totally concentrated on the documentation, and now she wondered how late it was. Well, no matter; at any case it was time to feed her baby. She stood up and stretched. You could lose your sense of time in this basement, she thought. She walked upstairs and went into Trip's and Malcolm's bedroom where her baby lay on the bed. Smiling, she picked him up. "Hush, dear, just a minute. You'll get your dinner in a few minutes." With the boy in her arms, Arissa stepped to the window to see what Trip and Erianna were doing. She frowned when she saw the empty wicker chair swinging softly in the wind. Where was Trip? Had Erianna taken him somewhere else? With her eyes, Arissa searched the garden, then suddenly her eyes grew wide and she inhaled sharply. Hastily, she laid the baby back onto the bed and ran outside, ignoring the little boy's angry wails. She fell to her knees beside Erianna who lay motionless next to the vegetable beds.

"Erianna? Are you hurt? What happened?" Gently, Arissa shook her friend's shoulders. She was deeply shocked when she saw the dried blood on the back of her head. What had happened here?

Erianna groaned softly. Relieved, Arissa helped her sit up. Erianna placed a hand on her forehead, then, with a start she looked up.

"Where's Trip?"

"I don't know. The chair is empty."

"So they've taken him."


"Tasur's guard. I just hope they haven't hurt him." Erianna touched the wound at the back of her head. Thinking of this brutal guy who had hit her, she feared the worst for Trip.

"Where could they've taken him?"

"I don't know. Maybe to the governor's palace. Or..." Erianna didn't dare to voice her thoughts, but she felt an icecold shiver run down her spine.

The baby's crying grew louder and angrier. But there was another sound. Erianna tried to concentrate on it. She felt like a gray fog was hanging before her eyes, clouding her thoughts. Where was this signal coming from? Suddenly, she knew. It was the comm console back in the house. She wasn't in the mood for a chat with one of her friends but if there was even the slightest possibility that this call was about Trip, then she had to take it. Awkwardly, she came to her feet. "Take care of your baby," she told Arissa and stumbled into the house.

Erianna nearly began to cry with relief when she heard Jeren's voice. She was sure her brother would know what to do.

"Erianna, you okay?" Jeren was as relieved as well when he saw Erianna's face on the small monitor.

"Yes, but they've taken Trip."

"I know. He's here. They've brought him to the left wing."

"No." Knowing what this meant, Erianna felt hot tears of despair run down her face. "You have to get him out of there, Jeren. They're going to kill him."

"I know, but I have no chance to get into this part of the building. I have to force my way in and I can't do that alone. Where's Malcolm?"

"He's on a walk with Farina."

"You have to find him, Erianna. Do you know where he keeps their weapons?"


"Take them with you. Find Malcolm and then come here as fast as you can."

Erianna nodded and cut the call. There was no time for a polite good-bye. So Harek and Rassik had actually brought Trip to the Health Center to get him killed. She gritted her teeth. They couldn't let that happen.

She ran into the big bedroom where Arissa was trying to feed her baby. The boy felt his mother's nervousness, squirmed and kicked away the bottle. Erianna opened the drawer of the locker where Malcolm had stowed away the two phasers. One after another she took them and put them in a bag.

Arissa looked at her with big eyes. "Are those weapons?" she asked.

"Sure are."

"If you get caught carrying these with you..." Arissa shook her head in silent desperation.

"They're going to kill Trip, Arissa. We have to rescue him and that is only possible if we use these weapons."

"I hope you'll find him." Arissa sighed. "Bring Trip to our place. He'll be safe there for the time being."

Erianna shot her friend a desperate look. I hope we're not too late, she thought wile she ran to her flitter.


Blankly, Trip stared at the wall. There was nothing else he could do. He'd been seated in a comfortable chair, but his hands still were tied behind his back and no one had bothered to remove the gag. But at least the trembling of his muscles had stopped. He looked around. The room was almost cozy. On a table there was even a vase with some flowers in it. A comfortable looking bed stood beside him. Trip wondered if this was the dying room. Perhaps the CDS-patients who came here to die could choose between the bed and the chair. But these things didn't concern him; he didn't want to die! In a way, he still hoped that Tasur and Dorsik weren't trying to get rid of him, but only wanted him out of sight. But if that were true, he would surely have been brought to the governor's palace and not to this part of the Health Center where people got killed. Him being in this room could only have one reason and a feeling of panic rose up in Trip's mind. He saw no way to get out of this one. Erianna had been severely hurt, and wasn't able to help him. Malcolm was still out with Farina and had no idea that his friend's life was in danger. Even Jeren, who wasn't very far away but only in the other wing of this building, had no idea what was going to happen to him.

Trip tried to swallow, but he couldn't because of the gag. He saw Dorsik standing at the room's entrance, talking to another man. Dorsik looked like he wasn't too happy with the other man's presence, but finally he gave in. With an annoyed expression, he nodded at the man and went over to Trip. Condescendingly, he looked down at him.

"The consultants insist on having a counselor talk to you. Do you believe in an afterlife, Commander?"

Because of the gag Trip couldn't answer even if he had wanted to. His stomach gave a lurch when the meaning of Dorsik's words came to his mind. Now he knew for sure; they really intended to kill him.

Dorsik kept watching him, and Trip tried to hide the fear which he knew showed on his face. Eventually, Dorsik stepped aside and Trip saw a tall, dark dressed man with a stern and dignified expression enter the room. Trip disliked him at once, remembering what Jeren had told them. The counselors were supposed to be able to convince everyone of the advantages of dying. He wouldn't allow this man to talk him into a death-wish. This counselor wouldn't get anywhere with him.

With a mild expression on his face, the counselor stepped closer, but frowned when he saw Trip.

"Why is this man tied up and gagged?" he asked, appalled.

"It's for his own safety," Dorsik explained. "He has proven to be violent before. We don't want him to hurt himself."

"That's humiliating," the counselor said indignantly. "Remove the restraints."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

The counselor shot Dorsik an annoyed glance before he bent over Trip and unfastened the gag.

"Thanks," Trip croaked, and licked his dry lips. When the counselor began to untie the rope around Trip's wrists, Dorsik stopped him. "No! The restraints stay where they are."

"You can't do that, Dorsik. The man has a right to be treated with dignity."

"Feel free to leave if you don't like the way I treat my patients."

For a moment Dorsik and the counselor stared angrily at each other, then the counselor gave in. Turning his back to Dorsik, he sat down in a chair. "I'm here to talk to you about the afterlife," he said to Trip in a kind voice. "Your friend Jeren sends his best regards. He wants you to know that he is thinking of you."

Trip tried to look unimpressed, but his mind began to race. Jeren knew he was here. He wasn't all alone like he had thought. If Jeren had sent this counselor to win some time he was willing to listen to every nonsense the man might have to tell him. Trip began to listen to the counselor, filled with renewed hope.


Malcolm had one arm resting on Farina's shoulders. He had to admit that he enjoyed the walk, but thinking of Trip he felt guilty. It was time to return back. But Farina pouted when she heard this. "You're always thinking of your commander. Isn't there anything else on your mind? I thought you liked me."

"Of course I like you, Farina. But you know as well as I do that this can't work. Look, as soon as Enterprise arrives I'll be away and I'll very likely never come back. I don't think you should waste your feelings on me."

"But you could stay here."

Malcolm looked at her, astonished. "Stay here?"

"Yes. You could join my father's guard. They're just waiting for a man with your abilities. I'm sure my father will let you command the guard. You could stay and marry me."

Malcolm's eyes grew wide. "What are you thinking? My place is aboard Enterprise."

"No! Your place is at my side. We could have children."

"Not so many, I guess," Malcolm objected sarcastically. "I'm thirty-two and I know what the Renelan government does to men when they are thirty-four."

"We could ask my father to grant you a delay. He could order to postpone the sterilization in your case."

"I don't want to be sterilized at all," Malcolm told her angrily. "Forget it."

"But you'll have to if you want to live with us. You have to adjust to our customs and traditions."

"And die at the age of fifty when I get infected with CDS?"

"You're not a Renelan. Perhaps you wouldn't fall ill at all."

"Oh yes, I would." Malcolm snorted. "Your CDS isn't a virus at all, but a poison they're infecting you with on purpose."

"Just listen to yourself, telling such nonsense." Farina laughed. "Did your commander tell you this crap? Maybe he's already infected with CDS. My father didn't believe his story about the torn nerves for a single moment."

"And what does he believe instead?" Malcolm tried to sound calm.

"I don't know and I don't care, either. But your commander has to accept our laws, too. I'm sure you believe in the afterlife as well, don't you? He'll be better off there. He just has to accept that it's the best for him to go. It would be the best for you, too, if he accepted this, because then you'd be free to stay with me."

Malcolm stopped in his tracks and grabbed Farina's shoulders. "What are you saying?"

"Ouch! You're hurting me." Farina looked at Malcolm, eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry." Malcolm loosened his grip. "But what is this talk about the afterlife supposed to mean? What has this to do with Trip?"

Farina squirmed out of his grip. "I heard my father talking to Dorsik about the commander, that he'd be better off in the afterlife. And they're right, Malcolm. He'd be able to walk again there. And you wouldn't have to look after him all the time but were free to spend your time with me." She paused, a hesitant smile spreading on her face. "Why don't you come and visit me tonight? My window is the second one from the right at the back of our house. I'll be waiting for you."

Malcolm didn't answer. He had heard enough. Turning around, he ran all the way back as fast as he could.

"Malcolm," Farina shouted indignantly. "What are you doing? You can't just leave me here! Come back!"

Malcolm hardly heard her, his blood pounding in his ears. What was going on here? Had Tasur and Dorsik decided to send Trip to this ominous afterlife? Were they going to kill him? But Jeren had said Trip was safe as long as Dorsik didn't know about the cure.

His boots were clacking on the garden path as he raced back the way they had come. Malcolm wished he could fly. Why had he ever left Trip on his own? He would never forgive himself if Trip had been harmed while he was away.

A flitter passed over his head, then turned around and came back. It was Erianna. "Malcolm! Get in here, quick. Trip's been kidnapped."

Seeing her face as she opened the flitter's hatch, Malcolm had already known that she was going to tell him bad news. He sat down beside Erianna and they sped off at maximum speed. Quickly, Erianna told Malcolm what had happened.

"My phaser," Malcolm said. "I need my phaser."

"Both weapons are in the bag behind you."

"Good. How long do we need to get there?"

"Flying at this speed approximately twenty minutes."

"Can't we go faster?"

"Believe me, Malcolm, I would break the sound barrier to save Trip, if I could." She glanced at the anxious man beside her. "I like him, too, you know."

Malcolm nodded. He hardly dared to breathe as if time would pass by faster if he did. He held the bag with the weapons so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Please don't let us be late, he begged no one in particular. They just couldn't be late.


Restlessly, Jeren looked at Kenan. "There must be something I can do. I have to know what's going on over there, but I can't even get past the consultants. I'd need a weapon to do so."

Kenan glanced at him. He was filling some hyposprays. "You do have a weapon, Jeren," he said calmly. "Here, take one of these. And calm yourself. You can't help your friend if you allow yourself to get agitated."

Jeren swallowed and gave Kenan an apologizing look. "Kenan, I want to..." He bit his lip.

"It's okay, Jeren. I kind of knew you suspected I was a spy. You acted somewhat weird around me sometimes. There'll be time enough to talk about that after we've gotten your friend out of there. I just hope you know that you can trust me."

Jeren cleared his throat. "Yes, I know that now. But who else could have been snooping around in my computer?"

"You really don't know? Just think of who has all the door codes, as well as the codes for the main computer."

Jeren's eyes grew wide. "Sista?" he asked.

"I bet."

"Sista?" Jeren repeated and shook his head. "I don't believe this."

"Suit yourself. But we have to get past not only the consultants, but Sista as well. You can't take that risk."

"What are you suggesting?"

Kenan held up the other hypo. "I think Sista is in dire need of a nap."

Jeren nodded and looked at his watch. He only hoped that Erianna had found Malcolm and the two of them were on their way by now. If not then he would have to think of something to stop Dorsik. But he had to enter the other wing to do so. Thoughtfully, he stared at the small phial containing the cure. A cure for T-14. In the left wing, they were going to inject Trip with T-18. A much more aggressive form of the poison that would kill Trip within seconds. Jeren swallowed when he filled the cure into a hypo and put it in his pocket.

Followed by Kenan, he headed for the entrance hall. In spite of his desire to run he tried to walk not too hastily. The other people in the hall mustn't become suspicious. He leaned over Sista's desk and smiled. The secretary smiled back at him.

"Could it be, Sista, that you've been messing around with my computer?" Jeren asked, still smiling. Sista's jaw dropped the second Kenan stepped up behind her and injected her with the sedative. Sista fell forward, and Jeren caught her.

One of the consultants came running towards them. "What's wrong with her?"

"I think she's feeling sick," Jeren explained. "I'll take her to one of the sickrooms. It would be best if she lay down for a while. Kenan can stay at her desk until she feels better."

"Is there something I can do?"

"Thanks, but I'll manage."

The consultant nodded and went back to his chair. Jeren picked up the secretary and carried her into an empty room. Laying her down on the bed, he sadly regarded the face of the woman he had trusted for so many years. The guilty expression on her face had told him everything he needed to know. Kenan had been right, Sista had been spying on him and probably for a long time.

But it wasn't the time to be thinking about Sista. Carefully, he locked the door and went to Kenan who was busy with Sista's computer.

"Found something?" Jeren asked.

"Yes, looks like they are in the second-to-last room on the right."

Jeren nodded. "The dying room. Next to this one there's only one laboratory left where they examine the bodies if necessary."
"How do you know?"

"Not now, Kenan, I'll tell you later. Can you find out how many people there are in that room?"

Kenan pressed some keys. "Four, if these readings are correct. I suppose one of them is the counselor, another one has to be Trip, of course, then Dorsik and perhaps another physician. But there is at least one man standing guard in front of the door. One of Tasur's men, probably, and I'm sure he's armed. And there are several other people in the adjoining rooms and some of them might be guards as well."

"Malcolm, where are you?" Jeren mumbled.

"There's another problem," Kenan said. "This is a Health Center with people coming and going all the time. How are you going to force your way in there without someone noticing?"

"Can't we make an announcement that the Center is closed for today? Because of an emergency?"

Kenan pulled a face. "Oh great. A hospital is closed because of an emergency. And what are you going to tell the doctors?"

Thoughtfully, Jeren stared at the computer screen. "You can lock all the doors from here, can't you?"

Kenan's face brightened up. "Clever idea. They'd be stuck in whatever room they are in right now and it could be only a little computer bug." He grinned. "I'll even take the blame for that one. I'll say I simply pressed the wrong key. Looks like I underestimated our dear secretary, Sista's computer is more sophisticated than I thought." The sparkle in Kenan's eyes vanished. "But first we have to deal with the consultants."

"Okay, let's go." Jeren pulled the hypo from his pocket, and hid it in his fist. "By the way, what's in there?"

"Only a harmless sedative. They won't even get a headache."

"Good." Together with Kenan, Jeren approached the two men. He felt sorry the two consultants would get involved in this, but it was their own fault if they wouldn't let him in.

The two men looked at him questioningly, but not unfriendly.

"Is there something else, Jeren?"

"Yeah, could you help us please?"

"Of course. What can we do for you?"

Simultaneously, the consultants got up and fell back on their chairs like lifeless dolls when Jeren and Kenan injected them with the sedative. Jeren got the keycard from the pocket of the first consultant's shirt and opened the door.

"Wait," Kenan said as he watched the two doors slide into the wall. He blocked the door with the chair on which one of the consultants was slumped, unconscious. Jeren did the same on the other side. "Thank you for your help", he said to the unconscious man, then turned to Kenan. "Don't you think they could be seen from the entrance?"

Kenan shook his head. "Have you ever noticed how this corridor takes a slight curve after the entrance? You can't see the left wing from the entrance door."

"Really?" Surprised, Jeren turned around to find out that Kenan was right; he couldn't see the entrance from here. He had never noticed this before. Right then, he heard the whoosh of the door opening and closing again. His features brightened up when Erianna and Malcolm came running towards them.

"I thought you'd never come," Jeren sighed in relief.

"Do we still have time?" Erianna panted.

"I hope so. Kenan and I just made sure the consultants won't give us any trouble".

"Kenan?" Erianna frowned.

"Yes. I'll explain later, Erianna. Come on. Kenan, can you try and stop all new patients from coming in here? I hope this won't take too long."


The minutes passed by at snail pace, and still went by much too fast. Trip listened to the counselor talking and had to admit that Jeren had been right. The man did a good job. He assumed Trip was suffering from CDS and told him about the afterlife, a beautiful place where there were no diseases, harm or paralysis. Where he would be able to walk again. Trip tried to argue with the counselor and nearly drove him crazy. It seemed to Trip like the man wasn't used to patients talking back. Earnestly, he tried to convince Trip of the presence of the afterlife and asked him to trust him.

"Have you ever seen this afterlife for yourself?" Trip asked.

"No, of course not." The counselor smiled indulgently. "But I know it's there."

"Why? How can you be so certain when you've never seen it?"

"It's a question of faith. You do believe, don't you?"

"Yes, of course I do." I believe in Jeren coming to my rescue, Trip added in his thoughts, but he was sure the counselor wouldn't approve of this kind of belief. It was the man's own fault if he misinterpreted the engineer's words. "But I'd rather trust in the life I already have and enjoy it," Trip added provokingly.

"But there is nothing enjoyable about your life, anymore."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"

"I was told your legs are already paralyzed because of CDS, and we both know it's not going to stop there. Are you seriously telling me you still want to go on living?"

"You Renelans just don't have any idea what makes life worth livin'. There are so many things I want to live for." Trip felt a warm sensation running through his body as he said these words. It was true; he had so many things he wanted to live for, his friends, his family, his work on Enterprise. These things filled him with joy and life, even if he couldn't move his legs. Even if his condition wouldn't get better. Even if he had to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life, there were so many things to make his life worth living. Suddenly Trip couldn't understand why he had felt so sorry for himself after his relapse back aboard Enterprise. Resolutely, he looked in the counselor's eyes. "I'll never choose any sort of afterlife over this life. Not until you can prove to me that life is really better over there. But I believe even then I wouldn't want to go."

The counselor was at a loss for words when suddenly Dorsik came up beside them. "That's enough," he said. "Your counseling time is up."

"No, Dorsik," the counselor said, startled. "The patient is not ready yet. I need some more time."

"I told you your time is up."

Angrily, the counselor got to his feet. "You can't send him to the afterlife without his consent. That's unethical."

"I'm sorry, but we don't have time for this." Dorsik nodded to the guard he had brought in. "Thanks a lot for your efforts. The guard will take you outside now."

"I will tell Tasur how you are treating this patient." The counselor fumed. "That is outrageous. You can't do that, Dorsik."

Dorsik simply ignored the man. With the help of another physician, he dragged Trip through a connecting door into the next room and laid him down on an examination table.

"Could someone please untie my hands?" Trip complained. "I'm not exactly comfortable like this."

They ignored him and proceeded to strap him down with two additional restraints over his chest and hips. Trip cursed under his breath when Dorsik tightened the straps. The restraints cut into his flesh, and he couldn't move, couldn't even struggle.

The counselor had managed to squirm out of the guard's grip and came towards them. "What are you doing, Dorsik?" he asked appalled when he saw Dorsik fastening the restraints. "Why are you tying him down?"

The guard who had followed the counselor grabbed his arm. The counselor tried to free himself, but when he saw a weapon in the guard's hand his eyes grew wide and he swallowed anxiously. Without offering any further resistance, he let the guard lead him out of the room.

"Hey, don't I have the right to lie in that bed over there?" Trip exclaimed. "Won't you even allow me a little comfort?" If he managed to bother Dorsik enough to start an argument with him, he might be able to win some more time. A few minutes that might decide whether he lived or died. Jeren, where are you, Trip pleaded silently, I need you.

But Dorsik ignored Trip completely. Making sure that Trip saw what he was doing, he filled a dark fluid into a syringe. Trip swallowed. This had to be the T-18 Jeren had told them about. The poison that would stop his heartbeat within ten seconds. He supposed it was a quick and painless death. If you wanted to die. But Trip didn't want to. He wanted to live, and desperately so. Dorsik was standing right next to him. If only his legs would react to his brain's orders to lash out and kick the syringe out of the doctor's hands. But he couldn't move a single muscle, and his legs lay motionless on the table as if they weren't even a part of his body. Trip felt panic rise in his throat, and found himself having trouble breathing. Silently, he cried for Jeren. What was taking him so long? Trip waited for him to force open this door every second now, take care of Dorsik and his fellow doctor and get him out of here. He just couldn't believe it would end like this. After all he had gone through it just couldn't happen that they were going to kill him now.

Dorsik stepped closer.

Trip raised his eyebrows. Fighting his panic, he tried to speak in a mocking tone. "You're doin' the dirty work yourself?" he asked in a last attempt to win more time. And he found that if he talked, he was able to handle his panic a little better. He fought against the overwhelming need to cry or scream out loud. But he wouldn't allow Dorsik this triumph. "How many Renelans Tasur wanted to get rid of have you already killed? Do you do everythin' the governor orders you to?"

From the corner of his eye, Trip saw the other physician step closer. He tried to turn his head to the other side, but it was too late. Brutally, the man covered his mouth with a piece of band-aid. Dorsik smiled thinly when Trip threw his head helplessly from one side to the other.

"You have a big mouth, Commander," he stated. "I'm curious whether they're going to tolerate this in the afterlife."

Come with me and find out, Trip thought and glared at Dorsik with hate-filled eyes. It was the only feeling that was left inside him. For a moment the strong hatred for this man even blotted out his panic.

The other physician grabbed his hair and brutally forced his head to one side. Trip tried to fight him but his scalp felt as if it was going to come off as he struggled. The syringe in Dorsik's hand came nearer and nearer. A small drop of the dark fluid was running along the needle. Trip stared at the drop, hypnotized. Ten seconds, shot through his mind. Ten seconds until he would be dead. And he was all alone with Dorsik and his colleague. No friends were surrounding him like the last time when he had thought he was going to die. No, this time he was alone. Only two strangers who wanted him dead would watch him as he died. He felt tears burning in his eyes. Don't cry, Tucker, he thought desperately, don't cry. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of showing them how frightened he was.

Dorsik ran his finger over Trip's neck. Ten seconds. Trip strained his hearing. Where was Jeren? But all he heard was silence; Renelan seemed to hold its breath. He was completely alone with the people who were going to kill him.

The injection was extremely painful. Trip winced when Dorsik slowly released the poison into his bloodstream. He could feel every single drop running through his jugular vein and then through his whole body. Ten seconds. That was all he had left.


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Update update update!
This is getting awesome. i love the interaction between Trip and Malcom. this is great writing and i hope there's an update soon.