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Author - Hoshissis | Genre - Angst | Genre - Friendship | Main Story | R | Rating - PG-13
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by Hoshissis

Rating: PG-13
Genre: Friendship/Angst

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Paramount, and the author is making no profit at all from this story.

AN: This story is set about 2 months after the Expanse.


Chapter One

It had been six weeks since they had returned from the Expanse to a triumphant welcome. Life had certainly been hectic for Trip since then, incorporating endless family reunions into a massive refit schedule, which Enterprise needed to get space worthy again. He was happy that Earth was safe, that no one else would suffer the loss of a loved one, but deep down inside was a lingering sadness – sadness for a sister he would never see again, sadness for his crew who had died during the mission and sadness for his friendship with Captain Archer which had been irreversibly changed.

// He was a changed man, // thought Trip, // unfortunately changed not for the better. // He was distant, aloof and isolated – a hardened soul who had taken upon himself the weight of all those who had perished throughout the journey and the tough choices he had to make along the way. Since they had returned, this cold distant front had remained, coming down only when it was deemed necessary, like visiting diplomats/ambassadors/Starfleet officials on Earth or hosting news crews and
reporters seeking out interviews and information from the brave heroic men and women who had put their lives on the line.

During the six weeks they had been in space dock, apart from official functions and work related incidents, they had barely interacted or said more than two words to each other. The last evening they had sat down together as friends was the night before they set off on their new mission. Trip knew Captain Archer was still enormously troubled about the clone incident; he had hoped his mission to Azati Prime and the resulting diplomatic solution with the Xindi had put to rest Archer’s feelings of remorse, but hearing about the loss of one fifth of his crew on his return had expanded the captain’s sorrow enormously – almost to the point where he had taken each death as a personal failing by himself. Trip had tried to draw him out, but it was as if he had pulled a shield around himself and he was refusing to let anyone back in.

T’Pol was just as bad. Since Phlox had cured her from her recent addiction problems, she had returned to full Vulcan mode full force. While they were stationed at Jupiter Station for Enterprise’s refit, Trip had asked her to accompany him on a visit to the Rockies and Yellowstone Park. He remembered that she had an interest in geology so he thought these places would be acceptable to her. Unfortunately she had refused and spent nearly the whole time cooped up inside the Vulcan compound reasserting her Vulcan side. So instead Malcolm had spent the first couple of weeks with him visiting Trip’s family, before going to Malaysia for a reunion of his own. Hoshi had gone back to help out at the University and Travis was off on a rock climbing tour with some of his Starfleet buddies; so by the end of the six weeks when they were ready to depart, Trip was desperately in need of a friend.

Two weeks into their new mission everyone began to settle back into their old familiar routines – coordinating and organising departments, running diagnostics and maintenance, spending recreation time, having meals and going to the gym with friends, and attending Movie Night. T’Pol was starting to socialise more but it was as if she was only willing to ‘stand on the outside and look in, not wanting to cross over inside.’ When Trip discussed this with Phlox, he remarked that she was very ashamed of her behaviour; until she understood herself why she had behaved this way – letting her addiction get worse and worse until she was no longer in control - then she wouldn’t be able to get past that moment and move on – whether this would be exploring her emotions and the human way of life, abandoning all of this to remain Vulcan or integrating the two. She was basically at a cross roads and until she decided which path she was willing to take, she would remain on the outside looking in.

Captain Archer was another exception, remaining distant, aloof, refusing to socialise with any of the crew and preparing for the worse. It was as if he was afraid to get close in case they got into trouble and he lost people again. It was a complete contrast to how he was when they first started out three years ago. // Not basically a bad thing, // thought Trip, when you think back on all the trouble they had encountered at the beginning and all the naïve decisions they had made, but no matter how much you are prepared, you are going to lose people at some step along the way. Cutting yourself off at an earlier stage isn’t going to make their death any easier to take. Anyway it wasn’t good for crew morale and that was essential on missions like this where you could be away from your loved ones for years at a time. Trip was determined to make Captain Archer see this even if it was the last thing he did. // Even if he has decided to give up on everyone, I’m not going to give up on him, // thought Trip as he sat down at his desk, remembering their last interaction two weeks ago.

“Hey are ya busy?” asked Trip as he walked into Captain Archer’s ready room and sat down in his usual chair.

“Sort of, why?”

“Well I kinda wondered if you want to watch a movie with me. It’s been a while since we’ve sat down together.”

“Not tonight Trip, some other time.”

“Wanna watch a polo match?”

“Sorry, I’m not really in the mood right now.”

“Jonathon Archer not in the mood for polo? That’s it! Now I know for sure – there is definitely something wrong.”

Captain Archer just threw him a look then carried on pushing buttons on the monitor.

“How about a game of pool then? – I might even let ya win for once.”

Captain Archer just shook his head.

“Hmmmmmm…… what to do, what to do?” pondered Trip drumming his fingers on the desk, while gazing into the air with a thoughtful look on his face.

“Your’re going to damage something doing that.”

“Doing what, drumming ma fingers on ya desk?”

“No, thinking. That’s dangerous for someone who’s not used to it,” smirked Captain Archer.

Trip just threw his friend a ‘don’t be a smart ass’ look.

“Well that’s it then, there’s only one thing left ta do.”

Captain Archer threw him a puzzled look. “Leave?”

“No – be irritating!” replied Trip with an evil smile on his face. “99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.”

“You can’t be serious, Commander.”

“Ya take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.”


“98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer, ya take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall. 97 bottles……”

“All right you win – I’ll come out of my quarters and socialise. Just please no more singing.”

“Hmmmmm….. Sooooooo…… what do ya want to do?” smiled Trip.

Captain Archer shook his head, then reached for the nearest pad and threw it at him. “You are an annoying, irritating pest.”

“Glad to be of assistance Cap’n,” smirked Trip. He’d won this round at least, but little did he know that it would be a while before he would get a chance to win another.


Chapter Two

“Captain Archer to Commander Tucker……”


“I need you up on the bridge Commander. We’ll need your assistance soon as we’ve detected a distress call.”

“I’ll be right there, sir.”

Five minutes later Trip walked on to the bridge. “Any more news on that distress call?”

“It seems to be coming from a small one-man vessel,” replied T’Pol looking through her scanner. “The vessel has no armourments and seems to have sustained disruption to its engine and life support systems.”

“Can you hail them, Hoshi?”

“I’m sorry Captain, - it’s an automated distress call.”

“Malcolm, can you get them with the grappler?”

“I’ll get right on it sir!” replied Malcolm as he worked on some buttons at his console.

“It’s in launch bay 2, sir.”

“Trip, you’re with me,” said Captain Archer as they headed towards the turbo lift. “T’Pol comm Phlox and have him meet us in launch bay 2.”

“Yes sir.”


After some difficulty Trip managed to gain access to the ship. As he dragged open the door, Phlox was waiting in the wings with a medical team on standby. // It’s not much bigger than a couple of our shuttle pods inside here // thought Trip as he pulled himself through the hatchway.

“Can you see anything?” asked Captain Archer following behind.

“Na, it’s a bit dark. The power must be down. Can ya hand me that flashlight?”


“Well it looks like life support hasn’t been down long; there’s oxygen left so whoever’s here should be alive anyway,” said Trip as he scanned the bridge controls. “There’s a lot of debris. It looks like some of the power conduits exploded, knocking out these displays.”

“Any sign of passengers?” asked Captain Archer.

“Na, lets check back there,” replied Trip, pointing to the back compartment.

Trip walked over and pulled the door panel open. Inside there were two unconscious aliens huddled together in the corner and an old lady next to them on a bed. The two together looked to be a young couple. // Probably the owners of this vessel // thought Trip. “Cap’n here’s the crew. Tell Phlox we’re gonna need him.”

Phlox appeared inside the hatch on the double. “Make way gentlemen, I need to assess my patients,” he said rushing towards the young couple on the floor.

“Are they gonna be alright?”

“I think so. They appear to be suffering from a shortage of oxygen and hyperthermia. I need to get them to sickbay to do a more thorough assessment on their condition though.”

Since there was only room inside the craft for Phlox’s medical team and one stretcher, Captain Archer picked up the male occupant and carried him to sickbay, while Trip followed with the old lady.

“Right Gentleman, if you will excuse me – I will inform you of their condition after I have finished my examination.”

“Right Phlox, I’ll be on the bridge – Trip I want you to go over that ship and find out what happened. Take Hoshi with you. She’ll need to go through their data base to find out their language, who they are and where they are from.”

“I’ll get right on it sir,” replied Trip as they both walked out of sickbay and went different ways.


One hour later Trip walked back into sickbay with his report. Phlox had comm’d Captain Archer to let him know that their visitors were awake and eager to meet their rescuers, so Captain Archer had asked Trip to meet him there with his findings.

“Arrrghhhhh Captain Archer, Commander Tucker, I was just explaining to our guests how we picked up their distress call and came to their aid,” said Phlox as they both walked through sickbay doors.

The male stood up from the bio bed and shook hands with Captain Archer before introducing himself. “Thank you Captain for responding to our distress call, we are very grateful for all your help and assistance. We are Fabians from a planet about 15 light years away. I am Toldar and this is my wife Serena.”

“And I am Calla,” replied the old woman as she stepped off the bio bed and shook hands with Captain Archer and Trip.

“Can I ask what happened to your ship? My chief engineer Commander Tucker tells me you have major engine trouble and ship wide damage throughout.”

“We were studying a nebula, Captain,” replied Toldar, “when we experienced an overload that spread throughout our ship’s systems. I managed to shut down power and guide us out, but the damage was too great for me to repair. That’s when I sent out a distress signal – I’m grateful you answered it before our air supply ran out.”

“I’ve had a look at your ship. Most of the damage to your consoles and systems is repairable, but without spare parts your engine is a no-go. I could try and adapt some of our components but I’m not sure if their compatible.”

“We’d be grateful for whatever help you could offer us,” replied Serena.

“I’ve had a course set for your home world. We should reach it within three days. Commander Tucker can make what repairs he can along the way.”

“Thank you, Captain, you are most generous. I’m sure many others would not have been so willing.”

“It’s our mission to explore and seek out new cultures, so in a way we are both helping each other,” smiled Captain Archer. “If you are feeling better later, why don’t you join me for dinner tonight?”

“Thank you, we would like that very much. Will you be joining us Commander?”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got too much to catch up on. Thanks for offering though,” replied Trip. He appreciated the offer, but he really didn’t want to sit through another evening of forced conversation with the captain. Anyway, if he’d wanted him there he would have offered. “I’ll be in the launch bay starting the repairs – if you will excuse me ladies, gentlemen, Cap’n,” he said before turning to walk out of sickbay.

// This is getting too hard // thought Trip. // I don’t know if I can take another five years of this pretence. Maybe I should start putting out feelers for something else. //

// Hmmmm……. he is troubled // thought Calla, as she watched Trip walk outside. // It looks like my help will be needed here also.//



Continue to Part 2

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Eight hardy souls have made comments

Not a bad start. A tad slow, but not bad. Liked the 99 bottles of beer :-)

that was a good scene in the captain's ready room and jon threw a padd at him.
curious to see where this is going..

I always loved your stories. I am very eager to find out what you have in mind for this one. The start is very promising.

99 bottles of beer on the wall...I love it!!! I can see Trip doing that. This story is getting off to a great start. I'm anxious to see where you go with it!

hmmmmm it has possibilities great possibilities... continue please.

*snicker* Trip is a younger brother for sure with the beer bottles!

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take 1 down pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer, take 1 down pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall.

97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer, take 1 down pass it around 96 bottles of beer on the wall.

96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer, take 1 down pass it around 95 bottles of beer on the wall.

95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer, take 1 down pass it around 94 bottles of beer on the wall.


Gr8 start, can't w8 for more.

Great start Hoshisis, good to read one of your stories again.

Great start Hoshisis, good to read one of your stories again.