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The Kirghiz Steppes - Chapter 8 and Epilogue

Author - Mctrip7
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The Kirghiz Steppes

By Mctrip7

Rating: PG-13
Genre: Suspense, Angst, Romance
Archive: Trip
Disclaimer: I understand that all the characters belong to Paramount and will not be sold.
Summary: It only takes a moment . . .


Chapter 8

Hitting the comm. button, Archer said, “Phlox, any report on T’Pol?”

“I would like you to come to sickbay when you can, Captain.”

“On my way. Malcolm, you have the Bridge. Malcolm!”

“Aye, sir!” The armory officer was still staring at the screen in disbelief. He had given up all hope of seeing his best friend again.

Coming through the Sickbay doors, Archer approached the biobed where T’Pol lay.

“How is she, Phlox? She’s pale as a ghost.”

“Captain, she’s in a trance-like state. I am not able to revive her. She is breathing normally and appears not to have suffered any real trauma, but she’s simply not responding. I think it has something to do with the bond she has with Commander Tucker, but I won’t know until he comes back to Enterprise.”

“Take care of her, Phlox. I’m meeting with Schram tonight and I’ll have some answers then. I’ll get back to you.”

As Archer materialized on Schram’s vessel, he started looking around hoping to get a glimpse of Trip. The Lieutenant motioned for him to follow as he led the Captain to the officer’s dinning room. Schram was waiting for him.

“I know you have many questions, Pink Skin; and I’ll try to answer as many as I can. There is someone else I would like you to meet. He’ll be here shortly. His name is Chekov, Dr. Anton Chekov. His daughter is the one who found Trip on their farm in Kazakhstan. He’ll tell you all about it. Our doctors have been monitoring Trip, trying to determine the cause of his amnesia. I’m sure your Dr. Phlox will want to talk with them.”

The door chime sounded and Schram said “Enter.”

Dr. Chekov, a little worse for the wear and tear he had endured, entered. “Captain Archer, I presume” he said before Schram had a chance to introduce him. “Your Officer is a fine young man. Had he not been in such good health, I do not think he could have survived his ordeal.”

“Doctor, please tell me all you can about Trip’s ‘ordeal’,” Jon asked.

“I can only give you the highlights as he will be arriving in a few minutes. Later I will go into as much detail as I can.” Dr. Chekov related how they found Trip, the extent of his injuries, his recovery and the subsequent predicament they had to deal with. He mentioned Trip’s friendship with Anna and then her untimely death at the hands of the aliens. “We lost our youngest son to those murdering bastards, too. He was protecting his sister.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Doctor. You and your family certainly took good care of Trip for him to have survived. You said your daughter found him.”

“Yes, he had evidently crawled out of the river and buried himself in the haystack to keep warm. It offered him some protection also. His throat was so raw that he could hardly speak. The clothes he had on were all but burned away and I think every bone in his body had some kind of frac . . .

The door chime sounded.

“Enter, said Schram.

A smiling Commander Tucker said “Sorry I’m late . . . again. Hello, Dr. Chekov. How is Lara? I heard she hasn’t been feeling well.”

Schram spoke up, “Commander Tucker, I’d like you to meet Captain Jonathan Archer of the starship Enterprise.”

Trip blinked a couple of times as a frown crossed his face. “I think I have met you before. Is that possible?”

It was all Jonathan could do to keep from rushing up and grabbing Trip and telling him how great it was to have him back. Instead, he said “Yes, it’s possible.”

“The shirt I was wearing when they found me had Enterprise written on it. Was I an engineer on your ship?”

“Yes, you were. You were my Chief Engineer,” Jon managed to say with a lump in his throat. “And you will be, again.”

Trip didn’t seem too thrilled about that. “I’ll have to see that my family gets home safely first.”

“There’ll be plenty of time to discuss details.” Commander Schram put in. For now let’s have dinner.

After eating Jonathan suggested that Trip pay him a visit the next day. “Take a look around and see if things look familiar.” Trip was agreeable and said he would call Enterprise when he had some free time.

Dr. Chekov said he had to get back to his wife and suggested Trip walk along with him.
Trip was glad to get away. The personal conversation was becoming uncomfortable for him.

“Trip, this is something you’re going to have to face. For a moment you seemed to recognize Captain Archer. One of these times the curtain is going to be lifted and it will all become clear. In the meantime, you need to relax when that feeling comes along. Maybe it will inch a little closer each time.”

“Dr. Chekov, I think I’m just plain scared. These people are strangers to me now. I don’t really know if I want to know them. I know who I am with you and your family and I like it just the way it is.”

Trip continued , “Earlier today when I was in engineering, I had that strange feeling again. I was in the solid white room. There were no windows, nothing. I kept wandering around, like I had to find something. Then there was somebody else there with me. I couldn’t see their face. I kept trying to, but they turned away. Then ‘pop’, it was gone. Koloff said I was daydreaming. What do you make of it?”

“I don’t know what it means. Just try to remember as many of the details as you can when it happens again, if it happens again.”

The next day Trip finished his work in engineering at about 1100 hours. He called Captain Archer and asked if he could come aboard. Jonathan had been walking the floor in anticipation of this visit, but he calmly said “Any time, Trip.”

When Trip materialized in the transporter room, the entire engineering staff was waiting for him.


They all rushed up to shake his hand or plant a kiss on his cheek. Jon rounded the corner and was astounded. “How did you know he was coming aboard? I didn’t tell a soul.”

“Good grapevine, Cap’n.” someone said. He never found out whom, though.

Trip was taken aback, but did seem pleased. “Thanks for coming” was all he said.

Archer suggested to Trip that he might want to stop by his quarters to see if anything looked familiar. As they headed in that direction they met Malcolm in the corridor.

Trip studied Malcolm’s features saying “We were working on the antenna array.”

Jon held his breath. Malcolm said “Yes, and then those aliens jumped us.”

“I don’t remember that. Maybe it will come to me. Did I call you Mal? Lara said I mentioned that name several times when I was recovering.”

Malcolm couldn’t help smiling as he said “Yes, you did.” Maybe you can come by the Armory before you leave. I’m on my way there, now.”

“OK. We’re heading for my Quarters at the moment. The Captain thinks it might be a good idea for me to look around there. Maybe I can come by later.” Trip said. He was beginning to feel a little uneasy just now.

As he and Jon were making their way to Trip’s quarters, they passed sickbay.

“I have to go in there.” Trip said as he came to an abrupt stop. “I have to go in this place,” he repeated as he turned back to the door. Before Jon could reach him, he was inside, face to face with Dr. Phlox.

“Commander Tucker! I’m certainly glad to see you. I’ve missed your . . .

“I have to go in there.” Trip said, pointing to the curtained biobed.

Before Phlox could stop him, Trip had pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the room. He felt unsteady as he moved to the biobed. He put his hands to his head. It felt like a knife had been driven into it. . . .Then he was standing in the white room again. He could see the figure in the distance; however, this time she was turning to face him. She approached him, reaching out to put her arms around him.

The white room disappeared and she was standing before him with her arms extended.

“T’Pol? You’ve been with me all the time.” Trip whispered as he pulled her to him.

“My Thay’la. Our bond told me you were barely alive, but I couldn’t find you.” T’Pol murmured as she allowed herself to be enfolded in his arms.

As Phlox and Archer reached the curtain, the Doctor pulled it aside to reveal Trip and T’Pol collapsing to the floor in each other’s arms.

“I will need to bring them around slowly to prevent any lasting damage from the shock they experienced.”

Helping to lift first T’Pol, then Trip to biobeds, Archer said “Do you think Trip’s memory has returned?”

“I have no way of knowing, Captain, but it certainly looks like something very meaningful happened. The Commander is beginning to stir. He may become conscious soon. It will be important not to question him. Just let him say whatever he wants to. Answer his questions but don’t give him too much information at once

Trip opened his eyes slowly, taking in his surroundings as he tried to rise up on his elbows.

Dr. Phlox gently eased him back down on the bed saying “Rest as much as you can. We’ll talk later.” The Doctor then gave him a mild sedative.

T’Pol remained in a coma-like state for several hours. When she opened her eyes, Dr. Phlox was standing by her side. With a startled look on her face, she tried to rise up.

I had the most vivid dream. He’s alive! I know it! I saw him.”

Dr. Phlox tried to ease her back down on the biobed, but she would have none of that.

“You don’t understand! I saw him. I touched him!”

“I know you did, T’Pol. He’s right here beside you.” Phlox tried to keep his voice as steady as possible. He could feel his own emotions taking hold and he needed to stay calm.

T’Pol was off her bed and standing by Trip in an instant. “Doctor, is he well? Did he speak to me?”

“I don’t know, T’Pol, but he needs time to recover slowly. If he has regained his memory, it may only be partially. It could be a while before he becomes fully aware of what he has experienced these last eighteen months. This may be very traumatic for him. He will need all the support you can give him.”

“For the time being, I’m going to keep him sedated, allowing him to wake up gradually,” the Doctor informed her. “It will be important for you to be here when he opens his eyes, but let him ask the questions. That way he will process the information slowly. This should help his memory to return.”

Archer, who’d been taking all this in, spoke up “T’Pol, stay here as long as you need to. It might be a good idea for you to get some rest, too. Phlox will let you know when Trip begins coming around.”

“Thank you, Captain. If it is agreeable with Dr. Phlox, I can continue checking the sensors from here.”

Dr. Phlox’s look told her more than his words. “We’ll see.” was all that he said.

“Keep me updated, Doctor.” Archer said as he covered the smile on his face and pushed the sickbay doors open.

T’Pol stood silently by Trip’s side as she watched for his eyes to open. After several hours, Dr. Phlox insisted that she return to her biobed because he knew she had not fully recovered. He told her he would call her the minute Trip stirred.

“You want to be fresh when Commander Tucker wakes up, don’t you?” the Doctor said. Reluctantly, she agreed with him and took her place on the biobed next to Trip.

“Vulcans do not require as much rest as humans, Doctor, but I will honor your request.”

With a ‘Hrmph’ Dr. Phlox saw to her settling in. “It might be some time before he regains consciousness. For now you need to rest.”

T’Pol lay quietly with her eyes closed, meditating.

Trip opened his eyes, then closed them. The bright light blinded him. Slowly he opened them again. He sensed the presence of someone near him as he raised up on his elbow. The person gradually began to take shape. Trip reached out to touch her. As he did, the white room reappeared. This time the figure turned to look at him. It was the person lying on the biobed. She raised up to stand in front o him – both in the daydream and in sickbay. In both instances, she placed her hands on the side of his face.

Her eyes flew open as she gasped “We’re falling.” “The water’s so cold.” The pain is unbearable.” As she broke the meld, she looked into Trip’s blue eyes for a second, then placed her lips on his. “My Tha’lia.”

He responded by pulling her to him as she allowed herself to be enfolded in his arms. He said “T’Pol, you were the one who nurtured me through this. I knew there was a reason I had to hold on. Why wouldn’t you turn to face me all those times in the white room? I felt so lost.”

“You were initiating the bond. You needed to speak to me first, even call me by name, but you did not.”

“I had no memory of a bond. I didn’t know who I was. I only remembered falling, then nearly drowning. But you are here now. Please don’t leave, or am I dreaming all this?”

“No, you are not dreaming. I will not leave you. You are safe now. You are on Enterprise.” She made no move to separate herself from his embrace.



Trip’s recovery was slow at first. Dr. Phlox was able to regenerate most of the malformed tissue caused by the burns. The blond-haired officer’s skeletal integrity responded to treatment as well; and with aggressive therapy, Trip’s future looked bright.

T’Pol had kept her watch faithfully. She was usually there to see Trip open his eyes. He would always smile at her and say “I don’t know why I didn’t recognize you in the ‘white room’. I’ve been there often enough in my dreams.”

“You are progressing well in your recovery.” T’Pol always assured him. “In a short time you will be able to return to your quarters . . .”

“My quarters? Our quarters, you mean!” Trip corrected. “You haven’t forgotten that Jon is going to marry us as soon as Dr. Phlox releases me?”

She reached for his hand as she said “There is no need for haste. You need to complete your recovery.”

“I’m fine! I feel fine! I have completed my recovery! I don’t want to waste one minute of the time we have together.”

“You’re blood pressure is rising. You could have a relapse.” T’Pol was becoming concerned. “Trip, . . “

“T’Pol, don’t do this to me! I love you and you love me. Nothing else matters . . .

TRIP PREVAILED! They were married – in sickbay!

As for Dr. Chekov, his wife, Lara; their son, Alexi; and their daughter, Katya; they received a royal welcome on their return to their home on the beautiful Steppes of Kazakhstan. The President of the Federation assured them that the alien threat had been removed. Many of the families who had mysteriously disappeared, were also returned to their homes.

As the years passed, Alexi followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming a Doctor. Katya fell in love again and married a young scientist who adopted her blue eyed, blond haired young son.

The End

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Two folks have made comments

The end was a bit rushed but then again it was an epilogue and it still had a great impact..I think that's the word.
Trip and T'pol getting married, I can't stop grinning, and Trip being so stubborn, getting married in sickbay, The thought of it still makes me laugh now!
I love the way you brought his memory back using the bond.
great story, loved reading it, looking forward to reading more of your stuff!

Olivia Solar, thank you for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Since this wasn't the Trip/T'Pol Section, I decided not to elaborate on their reunion.