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Psyche and Sound- Chapter 16

Author - Orion9
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Psyche and Sound

by Orion9

Disclaimer: Enterprise and all related characters belong to Paramount.


Chapter Sixteen – Healing

What the…? Where…? How…? Trip looked around, feeling utterly disorientated, while he tried frantically to keep up with the multitude of questions that had suddenly appeared, one after another, into his mind. They came so quickly that it seemed that each was hardly formed before another took its place. Tempering his rising panic, he willed himself to calm down. I’ve gotta stop waking up like this…

Settling down sufficiently to study his surroundings with a careful eye, he realised that at least the ‘where’ part of his questions was relatively easy – it appeared that he was back where he started not so very long ago before the J’ralls found him. The only difference was, instead of heavy gloom, vibrant colours once more surrounded him – a million different shades that were somehow even brighter, and more vivid than before, shimmered and shone, all around him. With some effort, he struggled to get his scattered thoughts under control. What happened? Wasn’t I just with–?

“Commander Tucker …”

He jumped slightly at the soft call, heart hammering, and whirled around to find the two people he’d been mulling over standing behind him, their hands clasped loosely in front of them. His eyes lit up.

“Taelek… Koerin…” Trip whispered, his breath coming out in a rush, feeling a little lightheaded with the extreme relief that had coursed through him at the sight of them. There was that brief period when he’d wondered if all they had been were just figments of his imagination. Malcolm did always comment about it being too overactive, he winced, glancing away and staring down at the strangely coloured ground in front of him, momentarily lost in the memory. Wonder what he’d say if he was here right now…

“How do you feel?”

“I’m fi–“ Trip stopped short of his automatic reply and looked up, scowling in mild irritation. “Have you been taking lessons from the Doc?”

At their confused expression, his flash of annoyance faded away, leaving him oddly drained. He sighed, averting his gaze once more. “Sorry. It’s just that everything’s a lil’ … confusin’ right now… I’m al’right…” he finished in a low voice, passing a shaking hand over his face.

Koerin’s features softened even further as he looked at the lost soul before him, who was right now the very picture of bewilderment and abject misery. He didn’t blame him – it had been a difficult experience for the man before him. Though there was nothing he could do to make up for the pain that he’d just endured, perhaps he would be able to offer Tucker a little something to help lift his spirits.

Oblivious to the silent scrutiny, Trip was shifting through in his own thoughts when Koerin’s voice startled him out of them.

“Yes, you are...”

Trip’s brows furrowed as he stared hard at the older J’rall. Great. Not only was he right back where he began, it seemed the cryptic terms have started all over again too. He just hoped that this wasn’t going to be a repeat of what just happened in its entirety; hazy though he might be about what exactly took place. All he could remember was the intense, overwhelming burst of what felt like neverending pain – it seemed as it he was being torn into two – and he wasn’t sure if he could handle another round of whatever it was. Halfheartedly, he asked, “I am what?”

One white brow lifted quizzically. “You are fine, of course.”

“Right…” the baffled man mumbled in reply, stretching the word into three long syllables. He shifted awkwardly, wondering where this conversation was going.

Koerin gave no sign that he was aware of the engineer’s plight, saying instead, “I wish to thank you, Commander, for agreeing to the ceremony. I am aware that it was not at all a pleasant experience. Unfortunately, the pain of the ritual itself could not be avoided.”

Trip thought for a moment, the slight frown creasing his brow slowly disappearing as images formed, filling the gaping holes in his memory. He finally gave an embarrassed shrug. “The ability wasn’t really mine in the first place so…”

“Oh, I would not say that,” Koerin interrupted benignly. “You, my youthful friend, appear have the potential within you, or else you would had succumbed to the complications a lot earlier. There is a possibility that with some training…”

Trip’s eyes widened and he took an involuntary step backwards. Grimacing, he quickly shook his head. “Err… Thanks for the vote o’confidence, but I think I’ll pass… No offense though.”

“None taken,” Koerin replied, chuckling at the horrified look that had flashed upon the young man’s face, glad to see something else there besides the all-too familiar despair. He then proceeded to study the engineer carefully, who in turn, looked distinctly unnerved by the sudden attention.

Trip was fighting the urge to squirm under intense scrutiny of the bright green gaze when Koerin spoke up once more. “Your captain really cares for you.”

A smile lit up the fine features at the old man’s quiet comment, chasing away the shadows that lurked behind the blue eyes. “I know,” Trip murmured. “He’s a great friend and commanding officer. I’m proud to be part of his crew.” He slid an apprehensive glance at Koerin. “I am still part of his crew, right?”

“Most certainly.”

A wave of relief washed over the younger man at the two simple words and he returned Koerin’s smile. “That’s good t’know,” he said softly, almost to himself.

“You are very highly regarded by your friends. I am beginning to understand why.”

Astonished by the unexpected praise, Trip blinked, dismayed to feel heat infusing his cheeks. Not one totally comfortable with compliments, he ducked his head, hiding his high colour from two sets of emerald eyes alighted with amusement and warmth. Not really knowing what to say, Trip finally looked up with shy smile. “Thanks. They mean the world to me too.”

* * * * *

The tired physician leaned back from the still, silent form on the padded mat, physically and mentally drained, but extremely pleased with the results of latest medical scan that he just took. Tucker’s severely high fever was steadily receding while the remaining symptoms had all but disappeared.

It had been a long, bizarre night, and one that he’d be glad to see over. When the horrible screams had first started, he’d half expected the rest of the crew, led by the Captain, to burst into the room at any time. Apparently, so did the J’rall guard, for he’d silently moved in front of the door, his face alert as he listened to the muffled shouts coming from the other side of the thick door.

He’d been too concerned with whatever that was happening to his patient to be worried about Archer and the rest of the crew, knowing instinctively that they were all right. Perhaps more than a little furious, from the sound of things, but all right nonetheless. As for himself, the only thing that had kept him from rushing over to the young man’s side and shaking him awake was Koerin’s calm, whispered assurances along with a firm grip on his shoulder. Distracted by Tucker’s distress, he’d scarcely felt the touch, and only realised it when the weight of the hand suddenly lifted a few moments later.

When Koerin was satisfied that Phlox wasn’t about to do anything that would halt or jeopardise the ceremony in any way, he’d once more asked for the Denonulan’s trust, that the ritual be allowed an uninterrupted completion. Contented with the short nod that he’d received, Koerin had returned to his seated position beside his young apprentice. Picking up the medical apparatus, the aged J’rall had then slid the long needle into Tucker’s neck, drawing from the writhing man a small amount of clear liquid. Studying the prize in his hand briefly, Koerin had looked up and met Phlox’s gaze.

“The final part of the ceremony is complete,” he’d murmured.

Breaking eye contact, Phlox had focused instead on the now silent man, struck by how pale and still he was. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the man looked worse than when the ceremony started. “And the Commander?”

A warm, fond smile creased the old J’rall face. “He will be fine. We now only need to show him the true route back.”

With that cryptic statement, Koerin sent the troubled doctor a reassuring smile before placing his long fingers on Tucker and returning to his meditative state once more. Watching silently as Koerin proceeded to rejoin Taelek in Tucker’s mind, Phlox could only hope that his decision to not interfere had been the right one to make.

For all their sakes.

* * * * *

“I was wonderin’ ’bout somethin’,” Trip slid a glance at the man beside him. The three of them were seated comfortably, somehow – he’d stopped trying to explain the weirdness of what was happening to him long ago and had come to accept whatever he was seeing – and oddly enough, having a pleasant conversation as if it was the most natural thing to do at the moment.

“Why I asked you all those questions when we first met?” The scholar smiled at the flabbergasted look on his young conversation partner’s face, watching as Tucker struggled to control his astonishment.

Closing his mouth with a snap, and swallowing the question that had hovered at the tip of his tongue, the engineer shook his head, a chuckle escaping him. When will he ever learn? By now, he should know enough to stop being surprised by Koerin’s ability to know exactly what he was thinking.

“Yes,” he answered simply.

“Do you remember how you felt when during that time?” Koerin asked amiably. He waited until the fair head bobbed in reply before continuing, “You were ready to give up, to continue towards the other phase of a journey, a journey that was not your time to undertake as yet.”

Trip ducked his head sheepishly, unable to deny the truth in the quietly spoken statement. “Yeah, well, I jus’ wanted t’pain to stop.”

“And I needed to remind you of what you had to live for. Whom you had to live for.”

Trip nodded. “It worked.”

“Indeed it did.”

“Thank you,” the engineer whispered, looking up to flash his newfound friends a warm smile of pure gratitude.

“You are most welcome, young Tucker,” Koerin replied, patting Trip affectionately on his shoulder. “You are most welcome.”

* * * * *

“Why is it taking so damn long?”

Glancing up at the muttered complaint, Hoshi Sato winced at the drawn, tense face that met her eyes. Jonathan Archer was taking it really hard, not that the fact surprised her at all, given his close relationship with Trip. On the other hand, she mused, casting a quick look at the assorted levels of exhaustion that shrouded her crewmates’ faces, they probably didn’t look any much better than their captain at this moment. Concern, alarm and fatigue had exacted quite a high price from each of them.

Well, maybe not all of us, the linguist corrected silently, sneaking a peek at T’Pol, who still looked pretty much the same. Then again, not even the Sub-Commander was as unaffected as she would like to be, Hoshi noted empathically as her sharp gaze took in the slightly ragged edge that coated the Vulcan’s seemingly endless energy. Somehow, that tiny discovery made her like the Vulcan even more. It was nice knowing that, despite her frequent verbal confrontations with Trip, T’Pol was just as concerned about the Commander’s well being as the rest of them.

The waiting was definitely the most demanding part of this whole experience, especially considering that they haven’t the slightest idea what was going on in the other side of the door. It didn’t help matters that none of them have had any sleep at all the whole night. Although their J’rall hosts had tried to cajole them into returning to their rooms for some rest, no one had felt like doing so. Ultimately, the whole team ended up outside the corridor like they had done earlier in the night, forming small groups and drawing whatever strength they could from each other.

Hoshi hid a yawn behind her hand. She felt, at the same time, completely worn out and totally wide awake. But it was impossible that anyone could rest, or sleep, for that matter, not after hearing those horrifying screams and knowing that they came from someone whom they all cared deeply about. Though the cries did not last very long, she knew instinctively that it would be some time before any of them would be able to forget their stark, chilling quality. She wondered if she ever would.

Probably not.


“You okay, Hoshi?”

Startled out of her thoughts by the simultaneous whispered inquiries, she started to nod, but stopped suddenly. “No, not really,” Hoshi admitted with a muted sigh, closing her eyes against the tears that threatened to make itself known. Quickly pulling herself together, she looked up and smiled at the concern mirrored in two pairs of eyes, one grey, and the other brown. “But I’ll be … really,” she dredged up a faint smile, grateful for the quiet support offered by the two men. “Thanks.”

“Anytime,” Malcolm answered in a distant voice, distracted by her pale features and worried eyes, red-rimmed from lack of sleep. Unconvinced, he continued to stare intently at the young ensign, trying to see if she was telling them the truth. Finally satisfied, he then allowed his gaze to sweep the rest of the crew, resting briefly on Archer and T’Pol before continuing on his unrelenting vigilance.

Seated beside the watchful, brooding Security Officer, Travis frowned at Hoshi’s answer. He didn’t like seeing her feeling this low although he knew his fellow ensign well enough to be reassured by her words. The Communications Officer might appear delicate, but he knew she was a lot stronger and more resilient than she looked. However, that didn’t mean any of this was easy for her, or for any of them.

In the relative short time that they’d known Trip, the Chief Engineer had managed to earn not only their friendship, but also their respect and trust. Running a hand through his short dark hair, Travis could only hope and pray that whatever the men were doing inside the closed room, it would allow them to once again be graced with the Commander’s keen presence. Enterprise wouldn’t be the same without him.

* * * * *

“Hate to appear as if I’m a lil’ slow on the uptake here but what exactly happened?” Seeing Koerin’s questioning look, Trip quickly clarified, “I mean, the last thing I remember was the three of us standin’ here and Taelek had his hands on my temples…”

“You underwent the Cleansing Ceremony and the very burden that you were never meant to carry was taken away from you.”

“Some Cleansing Ceremony…” Trip paused, sandy brows furrowing as he tried to make sense of the influx of information. “So my telepathic ability is gone?”

“That is correct. Usually we do not join the host within his psyche, but you were obviously too weak to bear the process on your own. So, while Taelek helped focus the venom within you, I removed it from you on the outside.”

“The outside, huh?” Trip blinked, wondering if his sanity had somehow dissolved along with the intense pain, then found a small smile. “So … I’m really cured?”


“Will I remember any of this?”

“No. Faint sensations, perhaps, maybe subconsciously at certain times, but not the actual experience.”

Trip sighed. “I guess I could live with that…”

“What is it, Commander?” Koerin asked, curious about the fleeting expression that had crossed the young man’s face.

The engineer lifted his shoulders a little. “Was just remembering the look on their faces when I presented them with the gifts that they liked…”

“They? Your friends?” At Trip’s nod, Koerin asked, “You read their minds?”

“Not exactly. The thoughts from them just came on their own… Images mostly, at the beginnin’, but then words started to come…” Trip looked down. “Then the pain…I don’t really miss being telepathic, but…”

“But the ability came in handy at the time, did it not?” Koerin smiled.

“Yeah, it was great being able to make someone happy like that.”

“It is still not too late for you to change your mind…”

“What? On becoming one of you?”

Koerin dipped his head. “Only this time, we will do it the right way. You have a gift, why not use it…?”

Trip considered the words and then frowned. “But that would mean leaving Enterprise, wouldn’t it?”

“That is correct. You will need to undergo intense training before you are able to wield the immense mental power that you would posses.”

“Oh.” After another short pause, Trip shook his head and sent Koerin a shy smile. “Thanks for the offer but I can never leave the Enterprise. It’s where I belong.”

There was an answering smile on the lined face. “That is true.”

“So what now?” Trip asked, looking about him. “If everything's finally okay, why are you both still here? Better yet, why am I still here?”

You, my young friend, are here because this is your place of refuge, your mind’s natural defence mechanism, against all that which you have experienced. We, on the other hand, are here to help you.”

“To help me?” Trip cocked his head to one side, puzzled by the ambiguous answer. “To do what?”

Koerin’s lips tilted up once more. “To wake up, of course.”

* * * * *

Studying the data again brought a pleased smile to the tired physician’s face. Whatever the men were doing, it was working. With a grunt of satisfaction, Phlox noted that the young man’s breathing was easier, and there was even a hint of colour on the pale face. The limp, silent body was still more than slightly warm to the touch but Tucker had finally emerged from his coma, slipping instead into a state of deep sleep.

That was the best news he had so far, knowing that that was exactly what the patient needed to further boost the healing process that had already begun. Checking his scans again, Phlox took note of the engineer’s low grade fever. Now that Tucker’s more threatening symptoms have vanished, that single ailment didn’t worry him too much. Once they were back onboard Enterprise, he would be able to start treating it with suitable antibiotics.

After one final scan, the Denobulan leaned back with a contented smile. Yes, everything was going to be all right.

* * * * *

He’d been staring so hard at the door, willing it to open – that when it did, so gradually and silently – he’d thought it was just his imagination, or that he’d fallen asleep and was dreaming again. As it was, Archer had gaped uncomprehendingly at the cloaked figure that had emerged from the room before he finally managed to find his voice.


At his hoarse whisper, heads whipped around and multiple pairs of eyes looked expectantly at the old J’rall. The weary crew watched as Taelek and Phlox joined the scholar out on the corridor, their optimism rising at the expression on each man’s face.

“It is done, Captain,” Koerin smiled at Archer’s hopeful tone, his heart warmed by the immense concern showed by the people before him for one man. For all their apparent flaws and limitations, these humans were turning out to be quite a remarkable species, especially if their capacity to care was anything to go by.

If he had had any lingering doubts about the Council’s decision, they had more than adequately been erased. Now he was even more convinced that they’d made the right choice helping these people out. Meeting the anxious man’s gaze, Koerin gave Archer an almost imperceptible nod. “You may now return to your ship – all of you.”

* * * * *

He jerked abruptly into consciousness, almost tumbling off the narrow chair that he’d unwittingly fallen asleep upon. For a moment, the groggy man blinked several times, trying to clear his muddled mind as he absently picked up the blanket that had slid off when he sat up just now. Something had woken him. What was it?

Midway through his sluggish musings, Malcolm had his answer when another strangled cry emerged from the lone figure on the biobed. Snapping thoroughly awake, he stood up, ignoring the objections from the numerous aching parts of his body, especially his lower back. Drawing near, he looked down upon the unconscious man, a look of mild alarm on his normally stoic face. If the panic-stricken expression on his face was any indication, Trip appeared to be in the grip of yet another horrifying nightmare. Malcolm was just leaning over to wake him up when one of Tucker’s flailing fists clipped him smartly just beneath his right eye. Stumbling back, he rubbed at the sore spot with one hand.

“Ow … Bloody he–”

“Lieutenant?” Phlox’s voice sounded from behind him and Malcolm turned with a grimace, one hand still on his face. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes,” he answered, eyeing his friend, who’d settled back into a quieter but still somewhat restless slumber. “He was again thrashing about just now…”

“Ahh, yes,” Phlox nodded, watching the young man stir ever so slightly in his sleep, mumbling incoherently. “The dreams that Koerin warned us to look out for. I wouldn’t worry too much about them though. They should go away soon enough.”

“Dreams? They appear to be more like nightmares to me,” Malcolm grumbled, fingers gingerly exploring the tender flesh below his eye. He’d been hit enough times to know that he’d probably be sporting a sizeable bruise soon enough. He stretched, wincing as every single muscle in his body protested. Loudly. Although he knew that the fatigue that he was feeling was largely more emotional rather than physical, he was still taken aback by the level of weariness that suddenly engulfed him. Stifling a yawn, he asked, “How is he?”

“His fever broke early this morning and he’s making satisfactory progress,” Phlox assured the troubled man. “I expect the Commander to come around in a few hours’ time.”

His heart lifting at the news, Malcolm looked up to smile at the doctor when he spotted the other chair, now empty of its previous occupant. Suddenly remembering that he hadn’t been the only one spending the night sitting beside Trip’s bedside, he asked quietly, “The Captain?”

“He left just moments ago to see to our guests. He’ll be back.”

Malcolm cleared his throat awkwardly but kept silent, a little chagrined that he’d somehow slept through Archer’s departure from Sickbay. Sensing his embarrassment, Phlox studied the Lieutenant’s tired face and offered with a smile, “He specifically asked that you were not to be disturbed, stating that you needed the rest.”

When Reed made no comment or gave any visible reaction to the statement, Phlox continued firmly, warming up to his subject, “And I fully agree. In fact, as instrumental as you and Captain Archer have been in helping to keep the Commander’s dreams … nightmares…” the Denobulan quickly amended at the man’s pointed look, “…at bay, I’d prefer if the both of you rested in your own quarters tonight, rather than spending the night in here again. Neither of you are in any shape for the additional stress at the moment.”

Nodding absently at the doctor, Malcolm turned back towards the sleeping man, studying him with a critical eye. Now that whatever dreams that he was having had passed, the lines of pain etched on his gaunt face appeared significantly fainter. Trip even looked rather peaceful lying there, although still appearing very much too pale and abnormally frail for his liking.

The dark-haired officer sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, exceedingly weary all of a sudden. It was the kind of fatigue that one felt down to one’s bones. Contrary to the doctor’s claim, he hadn’t planned to spend the night, or whatever that was left of it, sleeping in a very uncomfortable chair. A brief visit to Sickbay to check on Trip had somehow turned into an all-nighter, with him on one chair, and Archer on the other. Neither man had said very much but were content to just sit there in the shadowy room, each nursing their own thoughts and memories.

Sometime during their silent vigil, once Trip had more or less settled down, he must have fallen asleep. What surprised him more than his ability to do so in the presence of his captain was the comfortable silence that they’d shared last night, an occurrence very much due to their mutual concern for a close friend.

Regardless of his opinion concerning how one should act in front of one’s commanding officer, Malcolm was glad for the opportunity to offer some measure of comfort to his stricken friend, remembering the several times during the night when either one or the both of them had helped to calm Trip down during one of those dream sessions of his. Glancing back at the blanket that he’d found covering him when he’d woken up, he sent the good-humored doctor a look of thanks, grateful for that simple gesture of concern.

“Think nothing of it, Lieutenant,” Phlox answered easily, following the young man’s gaze. “Now, will you please get some rest before I’m forced to have you admitted for exhaustion?”

He nodded slowly, his lips lifting in response to the doctor’s ubiquitous cheerful energy and the gentle teasing that took away the sting of his admonishment. With his shift still more than several hours away, Malcolm replied with the only answer he had, “I’ll be in my quarters.”


A/N: Finally managed to wrestle this hostage... err... chapter, from my beta. Only two more to liberate! My apologies all around, especially to Neo Getz, for the long wait!! Oh, please do let me know if it's way too mushy or anything…
Neo Getz: Well, I intended this to have a slight humour in it when I first started writing but by the end of the second chapter I knew it worked better as a dramatic piece. :D Anyway, thank you so much for your numerous reviews. They really brightened up my day. Your ‘ghost town’ comments were hilarious. Take care now!

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Nine of you have made comments

Wow a fantastic chapter! Not mushy at all. I think you better do some wrestling...Nice to see Mal and Jon getting along so well.

wat i iz confused

Every1 ignore the "wat i iz confused" comment, thats my m8 wen he asked wat i was doing n didnt understand so i sent him the link.

Rinne. nice to see i'm not the only commenter finally.

orion. love the reveiw, glad u like the ghost town comment.

Ok... loved the chapter, hope u get the beta thing sorted coz i love dis.

not to mushy at all, i think u got this writing lark down to an art form :D

Write more :P

Sorry I haven't reviewed before, but I've been following this story since you first posted it, and it has been engrossing, well written, and has me hooked. Thanks, and looking forwards to remaining chapters.

yey! more commenters!

That was a brilliant chapter as always. keep it up i can't wait to read the rest.

another 1!!!!!!

It is still a great story. I still enjoy it and I am looking forward to the next chapters. Love from Germany. Gabi

and it's a grand total of 5!!!!

I guess mortgage rates in my ghost town will have to increase with all these pplz arriving.