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Darkness Unfolding- Part 11

Author - The Watch Stander
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Darkness Unfolding

by The Watch Stander

Disclaimers in Part 1


Part 11

Archer contacted Enterprise shortly before they came within scanner range.

"We’ve got Trip and Hoshi with us, but we’ll need Dr Phlox to look at them both. Lt. Reed has an injury as well. Have Phlox meet us at the shuttle bay."

He could almost hear the silent relief as T’Pol didn’t answer for at least a heartbeat.

"Understood, Captain.... I’m glad they’re safe."

Archer smiled to himself, T’Pol wasn’t as unfeeling as she tried to pretend. "Prepare to leave the area immediately after we dock. Take her on the same heading we were on before we were attacked."

"Understood, T’Pol out."

Jon then leaned back, suddenly exhausted and surprisingly sore. His arms felt like they had been stretched on a rack. He knew that was from pulling Trip out from under the debris and half carrying him to the ship as well. It was a small price to pay knowing he’d saved Trip’s life.

There was also a feeling of accomplishment as well. Not that he enjoyed killing their attackers, but he had prevented them from killing Trip and Hoshi and also from interfering with the time line. Millions of lives were at stake and no one must get in his way when it came to preventing their deaths or the destruction of Earth.


Phlox waited as the ship landed, then made his way quickly to the ship when the doorway was opened. He was a little taken back at the appearance of Captain Archer as he was covered in dust, but was further surprised when he and Lt Reed carried out Commander Tucker who seemed to be coated in the stuff as well as injured. There was blood on his head, hand and uniform.

I can’t let this man out of my sight for a moment that he doesn’t get injured in some form or other, Phlox thought to himself.

Jon and Malcolm carefully laid the unconscious Trip down on the Gurney Phlox had brought. Once settled Archer went back for Hoshi ,who was carefully carried out by Archer as Reed’s arm was injured. Another Gurney was pushed up and once Hoshi was on it the medical team started to move them to sickbay. Phlox continued to scan his two patients with his medical tricorder as he walked beside them.

Daniels remained behind on his ship going over his instruments, trying to decide what to do if another event happened before they were out of the nebula.

Reed was about to head back to the armory, deciding that maybe he could treat his own injury, when Archer grabbed him by his good arm.

"Sickbay’s this way, Lt." Jon smiled slightly.

Malcolm knew when he was licked. "Right, Sir, sickbay it is." He then walked along beside Archer.


As Archer and Reed entered sickbay, Phlox was just finishing with Commander Tucker. Both of them walked over to the bio bed the Commander was on.

"How is he Doc?", Archer questioned. There was a level of concern in his tone of voice as he looked down at the now sleeping Commander.

Phlox smiled, "I’ve sedated him and he should be all right once he’s had some rest and I’ve gotten some liquids into him. Both he and Ensign Hoshi were dehydrated. The Commander also suffered multiple contusions and judging from these I would say he must have had a bad time over there. Someone even tried to strangle him!"

Archer was surprised by that revelation and leaned down for a closer look at Trip’s neck. The red marks were still clearly visible around Trip’s throat.

Phlox smiled, "Don’t worry, Captain, he’ll be fine. He probably told someone off and that’s what angered them enough to do this."

Archer had to smile at the picture of Trip telling one of his kidnappers what he thought of them. The Commander was always one to speak his mind. That temper of his would get him in trouble one day, if it hadn’t already done so.

"How’s Hoshi?" Archer asked as he turned away from Trip’s bed.

Phlox looked over at where she was resting. "She has a slight concussion and I’ve sedated her as well. I expect her to be up and about tomorrow and can go back on duty as soon as she feels up to it."

Reed was still standing near Trip’s bed staring at the Commander’s bruised face.

I just hope one of the aliens I shot was the one that did this.

He knew the complex had been destroyed, but there was a slight chance that some of them had escaped earlier in the small ships.

Archer walked over to Reed, "Let Phlox see your arm, Malcolm, then join me in my ready room. We’ll need to go over a security plan to prevent further boardings."

"Yes, Sir."

Archer left and Reed walked over and sat on the bed that Phlox pointed to.

Right now he wished he were in Trip’s place, at least the Commander was unconscious while being treated.

Phlox walked toward him caring a jar in his hand. He had a happy smile on his face.

"Now Lt, what seems to be the matter? Hmm?"

If he takes something out of that jar that’s alive, I’m out of here, went through Malcolm’s mind as Phlox approached him..


Daniels carefully studied the readouts on his instruments inside his ship. He knew that one of them was failing and would require repair work that needed an extra pair of hands to do it. Commander Tucker would be the correct choice. This particular repair wouldn’t reveal anything about what the instrument actually did and therefore no secrets would be revealed.

Having decided this he called Captain Archer and asked his permission. He used the comm unit on the shuttle bay wall.

"Daniels to Captain Archer."

"Archer here, go ahead."

"I was wondering how Commander Tucker and Ensign Hoshi are doing?"

Archer was surprised at the concern, but answered.

"Hoshi is fine and she’ll be released tomorrow. Trip is a little more the worse for wear and Phlox thinks he may need another day."

Daniels was not happy to hear that, "I was hoping I could use the Commander too help me with my repairs. It’s rather urgent."

Archer wasn’t pleased, but if Daniels needed help, the engineer was the right choice. It would also mean that Trip would be in a secure area. Jon was sure Daniels would do everything in his power to protect him.

"All right, but you’ll have to get Phlox’s permission as well as Trip’s. I don’t want him going back to work too soon."

"Of course not, Captain. I’ll talk to the Doctor first thing in the morning and let you know what he says."

Archer agreed and signed off. He sat back in his chair in the ready room waiting for Lt Reed to arrive. T’Pol was in command of the bridge. Three Macos were on the bridge as well, since Jon didn’t want any more nasty surprises.

He felt like he’d been on an emotional roller coaster and wasn’t sure how much longer he could go on without finally getting some rest. The days events had exhausted him. However, just knowing Trip and Hoshi were safely back made all the difference.

After I talk to Reed I’m going straight to my quarters. Poor Porthos also needs some attention. That thought made him smile.

Think I’ll bring him a piece of cheese.


Lt Reed hurried out of sickbay, relieved that he survived Phlox’s treatment and didn’t have to be subjected to any live cures. Arriving on the bridge he made his way to Archer’s ready room.

Jon watched him enter after calling for him to come in.

"How’s the arm Lt?

"Ah, it’s fine, sir. It should be good as new in a few days."

Archer smiled at the Lt’s blush of embarrassment. Malcolm was always ill at ease when asked about his own welfare.

"That’s good. I took the liberty of having Major Hayes assign a few Macos to protect Hoshi while she’s on and off duty. I hope you don’t mind?"

Malcolm smiled glad to be away from the subject of his health. "Not at all, Sir. What about Commander Tucker?"

Archer continued, "Tomorrow he maybe helping Daniels repair his ship in the shuttle bay. I’d like you to personally assign someone to watch over him."

"Of course, Sir." Malcolm agreed, relieved that Trip would also be protected.

"I want everyone to carry their Comm units at all times and that includes while off duty as well."Archer added.

"I’ll see to it personally, Sir." Malcolm acknowledged.

"Ok , Then I’m off to feed Porthos and get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Sir." Malcolm added as he stood up and left.



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One person has made comments

sounds like something's going to happen.... *dramatic music*

:) looking forwards to it.