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Author - The Watch Stander | Genre - Drama | Genre - Friendship | L | Main Story | Rating - PG
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By The Watch Stander

Rating: PG
Genre: Drama/friendship

Disclaimer: Paramount Owns Enterprise and all of its crew. The wonderful interpretation of these characters is owned by the cast of Enterprise. The fun of writing this story about these characters is owned by me and is no way intended to infringe on any of these rights and is done without payment or profit on my part.

This takes place after anomalies and before Extinction.


Part 1

Trip Tucker once again rolled out of his bunk still half asleep, to the ringing of the famous Reed Alert.

“Son of a bitch, what is it this time!” He complained out loud, as he tried to orient himself on his feet while still not fully awake.

Finding his uniform from the previous shift, which had ended only 4hours earlier, he managed to pull it on over his Starfleet underwear that he had worn to bed. After falling over his boots and finding socks in his drawer, he pulled them on as well. This was all done in less than two minutes, a record for someone who only had a total of 6 hours sleep in the last two days.

Reluctantly he hit the comm. “Tucker to bridge!”

Ensign Thomas answered. “Bridge here, Commander” was the sharp and wide-awake reply.

“What’s going on?” Trip asked with an annoyed edge to his question.

“It’s the forward scanners again, Commander. They say we hit something, but there’s nothing there! They triggered the alarm,” this time there was frustration in Thomas’ reply.

“All right, I’ll be right there. Shut off the damn alarm, will ya? It’s giving me a bigger headache than I already had!” he griped back at the hapless ensign.

With less than six hours of sleep in the past 48 hours, Trip was in no mood for more problems; since he had spent the last 48 hours trying to repair weird things that would seem to break, then suddenly appear fine. It had given him a major headache bordering on a migraine. He was even seeing flashes of light from the corners of his eyes.

Just what I need, more crazy things happening!

He rubbed his eyes and resolved to wear the dirty uniform and go immediately to the bridge.

The Capt’n’s probably already there!


Trip entered the bridge from the lift and made his way to the engineering panel next to Reed’s tactical station. Fortunately, he was there before even T’Pol or Archer had arrived. The crew on duty was glad to see him, but Trip was in no mood for civilities.

Lights were lit up on the ship’s diagnostics panel confirming they had been hit by something, but he didn’t get the usual reading that assessed the damage. It was a puzzle, and it would mean further investigation.

Archer appeared suddenly at his elbow and the fact that the engineer hadn’t heard the turbo lift doors open told him how tired he really was.

“How’s it going, Trip? Find anything?” Archer was definitely more rested, for there was no fatigue evident in his voice.

Tired and frustrated, Trip rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he looked up from the panel, “Can’t find anything wrong, I’m gonna haftta go out there and physically look at the damage, that is if there really is any!” he griped.

Archer took a good look at his Chief Engineer. Trip looked exhausted and the dark circles under his eyes spoke volumes of how little sleep the man had gotten in the past two days.

Putting his hand on Trip’s shoulder in sympathy, he suggested, “Why don’t you have Nelson go out and assess the problem, you look terrible.”

“Wish I could, Capt’n, but Nelson’s had less sleep than I have, besides I’m not sure what to tell him to look for.” Trip hung his head, just plain exhausted, too dead on his feet to show any enthusiasm on solving yet another problem. Trip’s frustration at the past two days events was just below the surface. Finally, he looked up and threw his hands in the air in disgust as he vented his frustration.
“This area of space is driving me nuts! First the cargo bins start flying around, then the grav plating, next all the weapons go online.” His voice started to get louder as his frustration built up, “it just never stops!” realizing he was on the bridge he shook his head resignedly, and sighed getting control of his temper. “I’d better go and prep the shuttle.”

Archer smiled, “I’ll get you a cup of coffee and meet you there to give you a hand.”

Trip smiled gratefully, “Thanks, Capt’n.”

Sometimes Jon could read his mind. A cup of coffee was just what he needed if he was going to stay awake.


They were in the launch bay prepping the shuttle when Malcolm arrived with more bad news. When Reed saw the tired look on Trip’s face he hated giving him the news.

“Commander the weapons are back online again!”

“That’s just great, Malcolm, I’ll have to send Rostov to help you, I need to take the shuttle out to check for damage to the forward scanners.” He shook his head in weary resolve to do the job on the scanners alone.

Malcolm agreed and left.

Archer, who was helping prep the shuttle pod for the inspection, was dismayed that his Chief Engineer was left with no one to help him. Trip had decided earlier to take Rostov, but now even he wasn’t available to help Trip.

After Trip used the comm to give Rostov the new assignment, Archer asked,
” Who else can you take with you? “

“There’s no one, Capt’n, I m all that‘s left. Everyone else is assigned or asleep!“ He shook his head, too tired to think about it.

Archer made a quick decision, “I’ll go with you.”

Trip looked at him, “And what do you know about forward scanners Capt’n? No offense,” he added with a smirk.

Archer had to admit the engineer had a point, “Not much I guess,” he reluctantly agreed.

“That’s what I thought. You’d better stay here and keep Enterprise in one piece till I return,” Trip tried to smile.

“May I point out that you’re ready to drop? I know you haven’t had any sleep for two days.” Archer said out of concern. He could see the evidence of strain written all over Trip’s faced. His eyes were puffy as well.

Jon always acted like his older brother when it came to handling problems, but Trip appreciated the concern that came from his friend.

“I’ll be fine, Capt’n.”

Trip started to walk towards the ladder that went down to the shuttle.

“I’ll be back in less than an hour,” Trip added as he descended the ladder leaving Archer above on the over bridge.

Archer smiled and reluctantly agreed to the plan. “Ok, but keep in touch, I’d like to know what the damage is.”

“I will,” Trip waved and climbed down into the shuttle pod. Archer watched as Trip’s blonde hair disappeared through the hatch, and then he made his way to the launch control room.

After Trip’s shuttle pod exited the ship, Jon headed for the bridge.

On the ride up in the lift, he thought about his ship. Things were not going well. The Expanse had proven to be a more formidable enemy then any of the alien species they had encountered in all their travels thus far. Everyone was on edge from lack of sleep and from the anomalies that were happening on board the ship. Dr. Phlox had reported several cases of depression being treated as crewmen found themselves unable to cope with the events that were happening around them.

We can’t keep on this way; people are going to start to break down. I can feel it in myself, the tension and anxiety are even getting to me, and the engineering staff are all about to collapse.

He thought about Trip and how exhausted he had looked.

I need to find a way to get him some help or he will be the first to drop.

Concern for the younger man was a habit since Trip was his best friend as well as Chief Engineer. The recent loss of Trip’s sister had made the younger man seem very vulnerable and sometimes Archer really didn’t know what to say to him, he didn’t want to be over protective.

Archer entered the bridge and T’Pol gracefully vacated the Captain’s chair and made her way back to her science station.

The whole senior bridge crew was now on duty, it seemed he and Trip were not the only ones awakened early.

“Anything to report?” he asked.

T’Pol turned around from her scanner, “We are very near a nebula, Captain, that is almost totally impenetrable by our sensors. I suggest that we keep a safe distance as it seems very unstable, judging from the few readings that I am able to get.”

“Put it on the forward screen.”

The nebula filled the screen with its colors of vibrant purple, yellow and gelds, all flickering as if it were a light show.

Archer had to admire its beauty if nothing else. “Colorful at least,” he said out loud.

Hoshi took off her earpiece as she too stared at the screen, “It almost sounds like it’s talking there’s so many sounds emanating from inside,” she said in awe.
They all stared at it mesmerized by the flickering colors...


Lt Reed wasn’t having a very good day. His alert had gone off earlier awaking the whole ship and all the senior staff. No one was in a good mood. Unable to sleep knowing there were problems to deal with, he like Trip had decided to just get up and go back on duty.

Rostov, from engineering, was trying to help him figure out why weaponry kept going online. Reed would have preferred having Trip look at the problem, but he couldn’t be in two places. Besides, having seen Trip today he doubted the Chief Engineer would be in any mood for more armory problems.

Just as well that Rostov’s here, Trip looked really beat and his temper is probably on a short leash as well.

The armory officer and the Chief Engineer had formed a friendship after being stranded on a shuttle pod together. Reed enjoyed teasing the other man and the two of them were know throughout the ship as pranksters.

Nothing Trip and I could conger up would ever compare to the anomalies we have been going through.

He just hoped that everyone would get out of this alive and not have this become a one way mission like the dire prediction Trip had made in the mess hall a week ago.


Trip ran the shuttle along the edge of Enterprises’ hull. It never ceased to amaze him how beautiful the ship was with its sleek lines and graceful curves. The nebula in the distance with its’ beautiful gold and fiery reds caught his attention. Hoshi had called him and made mention of it so he could take pictures if he wanted. She also mentioned they had no idea what was inside as the sensors wouldn’t penetrate it.

The forward scanners were just up ahead and he tried to get the pod as close as possible without scratching the paint! He chuckled when he remembered doing just that on his first inspection ride with the Captain.

That seems so long ago, so much has happened to Enterprise and us since then.

The shuttle glided to a halt just beside the area in question. Trip got up from the pilots seat and went to the back to get his field glasses for a closer look. It was easier swinging a set of them around then to keep moving the shuttle to focus its scanners on any given spot on the hull. He was glad he didn’t have to put on an EV suit and go outside for a walk.

There didn’t seem to be any damage, but he continued to scan the front of the hull all the same. It might have been something else that triggered the alarm.

A sharp pain ran through his head suddenly and the flashes were back. He had to put the glasses down and rub his eyes to ease the pain. Lack of sleep was beginning to get to him. That and the damn Expanse with all of its anomalies and weird goings on. Once more, he cursed the Xindi who had caused them all to have to come to this God forsaken area of space!

The pain eased up and he left the pilot seat to go to the rear of the shuttle pod for a drink of water and a pill hoping to appease the constant headache that kept reoccurring.


Hoshi watched the screen and then reluctantly turned away as she once more put on her earpiece. The sounds were louder now so she turned down the static from the nebula to a lower volume.

Travis was busy checking the con to be sure that Enterprise didn’t drift too close to the nebula, he didn’t notice the unusual readings from his station’s scanners.

At her science station, T’Pol was looking through her viewer to see if her sensors were finding out anything more about the phenomenon they were parked next to.
There was nothing new from that source, but unusual readings from the area of space ahead of Enterprise quickly caught her attention.

She spoke up, “Captain, I’m getting sensor readings from some type of space anomaly that is approaching the forward section of Enterprise!”

Archer was brought out of his trance quickly, “Travis?”

The ensign looked at his control board, “Sir, it looks like an ion storm, but its readings are different!”

He added,” It’s coming fast!”

“Polarize the hull plating!” Archer ordered Lt Reed, who quickly obliged.

“Hoshi, hail the shuttle!” he tried to stay calm for all their sakes, but Trip would be a sitting duck if he didn’t get back to Enterprise quickly.

Hoshi turned to him,” I’ve got it, Sir”

“Trip! I need you to return now! There’s something approaching, looks like a storm,” he ordered, and then waited.

There was static on the line, but Trip’s voice could be heard breaking up.

“Come...Ag...Cap...break... up, was the chopped up answer to his hail.

“Trip, get back here now!” Archer was standing now, anxious, wanting a reply that said Trip was on his way back....


Trip was at the back of the shuttle getting his glass of water when the hail came over the comm. He couldn’t understand it, and asked Archer to say again.

This time it came across slightly more intelligible, “ back... now! Was all he could make out, but hearing the frantic tone in Jon’s voice, he ran for the pilot’s seat and started to turn the pod around. He was almost halfway turned around when he saw the approaching storm coming straight at him and Enterprise.

“Son of a bitch!” he yelled as he tried to finish the turn and out run it by flying straight along the length of Enterprise. His heart was pounding knowing the storm was almost upon him and he tried to will more power to the shuttle to get away from possible annihilation.

It was a losing battle; the storm hit the shuttle with such force that the small ship was thrown against the hull of the Enterprise, only to ricochet off into space carried by the force of the impact.

Trip was thrown from his seat as he lost power and landed hard, striking his head against the side of the shuttle. The small ship continued to tumble throwing it’s occupant constantly around, a dead weight that continued to bounce limply around the insides of the tumbling shuttle.


Archer had made a ship wide announcement, “All hands brace for impact!”

He had quickly sat down and held on, Enterprise was larger than the shuttle, but just the same, it was pushed backwards by the storm throwing almost everyone to the floor.

Reed locked his scanners just before being thrown from his seat. Everyone around him suffered the same or similar fate. Even the Captain was getting up off the floor.

“Everyone all right?” Archer asked.

Fortunately, they were all ok, Travis was the only one still seated having been better prepared for what was coming from years of experience working on a cargo ship.

The storm quickly passed by them pummeling Enterprise with rocks and space debris, but the ship’s polarized hull repelled the items and little damage was done.

“The reports ship wide, are minor damage and casualties, no fatalities, Captain.” T’Pol reported.

Archer rubbed the back of his neck having landed hard, he hated asking the next question, “Any sign of the shuttle?”

T’Pol shook her head as did Travis.

“Hoshi?” Archer asked anxiously.

“I’ve been hailing him, Sir, but there’s just static, no answer,” she sadly replied.

Reed was busily checking the scanners that he had locked on the shuttle just before he was thrown from his seat.

“I have something, Sir!”

All eyes turned to him.

Reed looked down again and glanced over the readings. A frown crossed his face, “It’s not good, there’s life signs, but the shuttle’s trajectory shows that it’s heading into the nebula. The readings are fading.”

He looked up slowly from the board, a stricken look on his face. “It’s gone, Sir,” he said softly, wishing that it wasn’t so when he saw the horrified look on the captain’s face.

Archer seemed to visibly sink into his chair after hearing the report.

The Expanse might have just taken its second victim. Space had claimed Trip after all....


Trip could hear noises, but he wasn’t able to open his eyes. His head was pounding now and he kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Finally, static startled him awake and he was able to feebly lift his head off the floor where he was lying face down. The shuttle was now on emergency battery power only. The cabin glowed from the emergency lighting, but flashes seemed to light up the whole inside of the shuttle. In his groggy state, he thought it was his eyes playing tricks again. It was several moments later that he realized the flashes were coming from static lightning outside and the light was reflecting through the view screen.

Trip looked around him and saw the entire contents of the shuttle’s bins thrown about the cabin. Equipment was scattered everywhere.

God! No wonder I hurt so much!

He made an attempt to push himself off the floor, but excruciating pain ran down the entire length of his body and made him fall back to the floor. As he, lie there lights danced in front of his eyes and he almost passed out again. It felt like every bone in his body was broken.

Several more minutes went by as he tried to dispel the dizziness and the panic that he felt at being so helpless.

God, don’t let me have a broken back!

The thought of that brought on visions of lying here dying, unable to get up and even call for help. His only hope then would be that Enterprise would be able to find him, but even he knew the odds against that happening since the shuttle must be in the nebula and none of the sensors would penetrate it.

Somehow, he had to get to the controls and try and fly out of here or find a way of sending some kind of distress call.

Another wave of dizziness washed over him and he finally passed out.

The lights from the nebula continued flashing through the view screen. They reflected off his body as if to mock him and remind him of who was in control now.


Malcolm Reed sat in the ready room with the rest of the senior staff. They were waiting for Captain Archer to return from engineering where he’d gone to talk directly with the engineering staff and supervisor, Lt. Nelson. The Captain had hoped to find a way to adjust the sensors so they could penetrate the huge nebula they were near.

Reed thought about the missing crewmember that was on that shuttle lost in the nebula.

Trip was more to him than just another crewman, he was a friend and maybe the only close friend Reed had on the ship. Reed missed his presence already and knowing he was in danger and being unable to help, made it all the worse for the armory officer.

Trip must think we abandoned him. It’s been hours and still no response to our hails

The LT knew everyone liked Trip and was worried about him, but Reed felt the loss even more, and he knew Archer was devastated. You could see it on his face. The Captain had been stressed out before this happened and losing Trip like this just might break him.

Archer entering the room interrupted Reed’s thoughts. The captain’s face gave away how unsuccessful he had been in his pursuit of a way to penetrate the nebula.

Archer saw the expectant faces watching him and took a deep breath,
“I’m afraid there’s no way we can use our sensors to find the shuttle in the nebula. It’s blocking everything we try and short of flying Enterprise into the nebula, I’m out of ideas.” He sat down dejectedly, knowing he may have just lost his best friend and there was nothing he could do.

T’Pol closely watched Archer and noted the despair written on his face. He was taking the loss of the Commander very hard and she wondered what it might do to him if he had to abandon the search and just leave. The two men shared a close bond of friendship and without the Commander, Archer seemed lost.

She thought the Captain seemed very close to the edge these past weeks for Lt Reed had reported the incident of the prisoner being shoved into the air lock to her. The report had unsettled her, for it meant that even the humans were being affected by the Expanse. The logical thing to do now was to safe guard them all doing whatever was necessary.

The statement she had to make next wouldn’t win her any friends at this table, but as First Officer, she had to say it.

“Captain, you can’t take Enterprise into the nebula. You would be risking over 80 lives for the sake of one crewman,” she suddenly stopped talking when everyone looked at her with shock written on their faces.

Archer had been staring at his folded hands on the table in front of him. He seemed to have aged in the hours since they had lost the shuttle and Commander Tucker. Mixed emotions crossed his face, before he answered her in a quiet voice.

“What do you suggest I do, T’Pol? Abandon Trip and leave as if he no longer mattered?” His tone was tightly controlled, but you could tell his anger was just below the surface.

Reed didn’t envy T’Pol. Archer could be a hard ass when he wanted to be, not that he didn’t agree with the Captain.

“I...don’t like the idea of abandoning Commander Tucker any more than you do, Captain. We need him, and he’s not expendable, especially now, “ she said it softly and with regret. It would be as close as she was willing to admit that she was concerned about Commander Tucker

Archer noted her tone and his anger dissipated. He knew that adversaries or not, somehow his best friend had made even the Vulcan start to like him.

Trip just has that way with people. No matter how hard they try not to like him!

The thought made him miss his friend all the more and also regret that he hadn’t spent more time with him after his sister had been killed. Trip had needed support and Archer had been too busy to even offer to help. The past two weeks Archer had been trying to make it up to the younger man. Especially when he saw how exhausted Trip was after getting little or no sleep because of the heavy workload caused by the anomalies and the extra repairs needed after the raiders had left. It had been much too much to load onto one man.

I should have spent more time with him...

Archer was full of regrets, but that wouldn’t help Trip. He needed ideas not regrets!

“I need ideas, and I need them now! I’m not willing to give up on getting Trip back, so lets get to work here, people!” Archer was angry now and not ready to compromise and give up on his best friend.

Travis spoke up first, “What about the other shuttle, Sir? Couldn’t we reinforce it somehow and boost the comm signal. We might be able to just go into the outer fringe of the nebula and signal him?” he looked at Archer.

“It’s a start Travis, any other suggestions?” Archer looked from one face to another.

Hoshi spoke up; she had picked up on the signal suggestion of Travis. “Sir, we could try a different bandwidth and maybe get through once you’re inside.”

Archer smiled and nodded, “Any others?”

Reed had also come up with a thought. “ We could use earth’s old radar system. My uncle was on a submarine and he use to tell me about the different systems the submarines had during the 20th century. I made it a hobby to study them when I was a teenager. They had a ping system to locate enemy submarines underwater. Why couldn’t we try that same system in the nebula?” he suggested.

Archer was pleased, “Good idea, lets’ go with all three.” T’Pol work with Malcolm. Travis, get the shuttle ready, use whomever you need, and Hoshi, you and Lt. Nelson set up the comm in the shuttle. Let me know as soon as everything’s ready.”

“I’ll be flying the shuttle alone, I won’t risk losing anyone else.”

T’Pol was about to protest, but Lt Reed got there first. “Sir, with all due respect, Trip is my friend as well, and I have some expertise in matters concerning sonar radar from the 20th century. You’ll need me to interpret the readings.”

Archer looked thoughtful for a moment, then sighed, “All right, Malcolm. “

Reed smiled, and then added, “I’ll also have engineering set up a tow grappler to bring the other pod back.”

Archer smiled, this was getting better by the minute.

He was never so proud of his people as he was at this moment. Everyone was showing positive attitudes and it just might be the key factor in getting their Chief Engineer back.


Trip was awakened once more by the loud static coming from the comm. The noise was erratic, but loud and still not intelligible. Outside the shuttle pod, the static charges lighting up the nebula made him think of the lightning storms in Florida. They also reminded him what a mess he was in.

Lost in the nebula! Just great!

He didn’t feel any better from the first time he had awoken, and everything still hurt. After making another attempt to get up and getting an extremely painful response, he changed his mind. Lying on the floor seemed to be the only place he was going.

Trip tried lifting his head and found that he could look around him and note the damage done by the impact against Enterprise’s hull plating. The shuttle was still pressurized, so that was a good sign. However, sparks were coming from a few circuits in the back wall paneling and there was a Smokey odor in the air that smelt like burning wire. He sighed and once more wished he could just get up. This was not the way he wanted to die, lying face down on the floor.

I wonder how enterprise fared against the storm. Had everyone made it ok? Were they able to get under power and start a search?

All these questions ran through his head adding to the headache that he still hadn’t shaken.

His right hand was near his face and he noticed there was blood on it. After looking at it carefully and not finding any cuts, he remembered touching his head with it earlier. When he did so again the hand came away bloody.

Must have cut my head when I hit the ship. Probably have a concussion. That would explain the dizziness.

Lying here gave him time to think about the Enterprise and it’s crew and all they’d been through in the past 6 weeks. Everyone had been put through the proverbial wringer.

Hell, I even captured one of the raiders and almost got myself fried!

Then he remembered Ensign Fuller who had died in that raid and he felt guilty about only thinking of himself.

Jon had taken the Ensign’s death hard since up to this time he had never lost a member of his crew before. After the funeral, Archer seemed morose and hard to approach. At times he seemed cold and distant and Trip had even avoided him.

How will he feel about losing me?

I guess...he’ll miss his Chief Engineer.

He smiled sadly at the thought, he knew Jon would be upset and it bothered him.

Hope T’Pol watches out for him.

The thought of T’Pol made him wonder if she’d miss him.

I was just starting to get through to her; she seemed to be letting her guard down and starting to trust me. Even let me help her with her Vulcan cure for insomnia.

Wonder if anyone else will miss me?

Reed would keep a stiff upper lip and survive, but he knew Hoshi would probably cry.

Thinking of that brought Lizzie to mind and the memory of the tearful parting they had when he had left for Starfleet training. His sister had cried her eyes out knowing her big brother was leaving her. This memory broke his heart for he started to think about Lizzie’s death and how he would never see her again.

Immediately he tried to think about something else and failed. All he could dwell on was that Lizzie was dead and that he would soon join her.

As that reality-hit home, despair filled him and a tear started to run down his cheek as another thought entered his mind...

I will never see the crew of Enterprise again...


Reed had retrieved his manual on the specs of the 20th century radar from his cabin. The book had been a gift from his Uncle and he treasured it, taking it with him on every new assignment. It was the only thing he had to remember his uncle by.

The shuttle pod had been rigged with a device that mimicked the old detection system that the 20th century submarines used. It would send out a sound that if Commander Tuckers’ shuttle was detected, it would return as a different sound directly back to them. He hoped that it would work as it was going on 6 hours that Commander Tucker’s shuttle had gone missing and there was still no contact.

Reed was anxious to finish and get on with this mission. Every minute was precious as he so vividly remembered having counted his moments of life so carefully on the shuttle with Trip. They had both nearly died from the lack of air and hypothermia. Trip had been practically blue when he had passed out. Reed never wanted to see the Commander in that condition again.

Travis had finished the shuttle pod along with the grappler hook and was briefing Reed on the improvements when Archer arrived with Hoshi close behind.

“All set?” Archer asked expectantly. There was a nervous edge just below his calm exterior that spoke of suppressed anxiety and stress. The Captain was clearly worried.

Hoshi showed both Reed and Archer a list of bands to use to try and contact the shuttle. “Just keep changing them if all you get is static. One of them just might break through.

“Good work everyone,” Archer said as he headed down the ladder to the shuttle.

“Good luck!” Hoshi yelled down before Reed closed the hatch.

Reed stopped and gave her a smile and a thumbs up. He had no intention of not finding Commander Tucker.

The Captain and I will stay out there till hell freezes over if necessary! He thought as he closed the hatch.


Trip was drifting in and out of consciousness, but he knew hours must have gone by. Rescue was obviously a problem, or Enterprise had been disabled. The last part he didn’t want to think about, as it would mean that he would never be rescued.

Somehow, he had talked himself out of his depression and into fighting mode, if for no other reason, that he didn’t want to let his crewmates down. They needed him. The Expanse was more challenging than anyone had imagined and he was needed in engineering.

Finally, after giving himself a thorough talking to, he decided to once more attempt to get up, and damned be the consequences, he was not going to die on the floor!

He tried to roll onto his side gritting his teeth against the excruciating pain, while attempting this the comm let off a loud static charge and he thought he heard voices calling him. It was garbled, but he was sure he heard his name.

I need to get there and answer them!

He tried again to pull himself up, this time using one of the seats that was nearby. Unfortunately, he could only get so far before his strength gave out and the pain overwhelmed him.

“Don’t give up on me, I’m here!” he yelled out loud in frustration as he once more fell to the floor.

The static still crackled back at him from the comm now as well as the static charges outside. Both seemed to mock him.

He wasn’t through trying though, as he slowly used his hands and dragged himself across the floor inch by agonizing inch towards the front of the shuttle. All the while telling himself, he wasn’t going to give up!


Jon tried a different frequency, but when he received nothing but static back, he let out his frustration. “Damn, Where are you Trip?”

They were just inside the nebula, and unable to see anything other than static lightning everywhere around them. Reed had tried sending several pings into the nebula, but so far, nothing had come back. It was discouraging to say the least. They had no idea how large this nebula was and where the shuttle could be. It might be miles away by now.

Archer wasn’t giving up, they had been sitting here for an hour, and now it was time to venture in further and hopefully not get lost!

“All right Malcolm, take us further in.”

The Lt nodded, but before he did, he pushed a button on the control panel releasing something into space.

“Breadcrumbs, Sir,” he smiled and told Archer when the Captain stared at him with a questioning look.

“We need to find our way back, so Travis installed some small buoys I devised so we could find the channel, so to speak.”

Archer smiled back, Always thinking ahead, it’s what makes Malcolm a good officer.

“Good idea,” he replied. “I’d hate to get lost in here.”

Malcolm agreed with him,” It’s like flying through soup, we’ll never get a visual from any distance.” He snickered, “Bloody more likely to crash into him!”

Archer shifted his eyes sideways, “I suggest we avoid doing that at all costs, or this will all be for naught.”

Malcolm smiled to himself, “I’ll try and remember that, Sir.”

Archer once more tried to hail Trip using another frequency that Hoshi had given him. Static was all he received for an answer...

“Son of a bitch,” Trip said out loud when he heard the static from the comm then his name again. Perspiration was pouring off his face as he agonizingly made his way forward. It was close, yet so far!

Taking a deep breath, he tried pushing with one of his feet and cried out when pain shot all the way up his leg and spine. It brought tears to his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and once more pulled himself closer to the pilot seat. He could almost reach it with his hand.

“Just a little further, that’s all I need, just a little further,” he cried in frustration.

He was close to blacking out, but managed to push it away determined to make it to the comm. The static was still sputtering when he grabbed hold of the pilot seat and with a Herculean effort pulled himself up enough to reach the button.

“Captain, I’m here!” He screamed, before falling back to the floor.

He lay there exhausted, waiting for a reply, eyes tearing from the pain; he sniffled as his hands bunched into fists, desperately wanting to hear a voice answer his hail.

Minutes went by, nothing, and he almost cried right there and then. Gathering his strength, he tried again and this time lasted a little longer,

“Captain, I’m here, don’t leave!” he knew he sounded distraught, but he didn’t care, radio protocol be damned!

“Trip!” came from the comm, and Trip almost sobbed when he heard it.

Hearing Jon’s voice gave him strength to once more get up far enough to open the comm “I’m here, Capt’n, “ he had to swallow to regain his composure, “Glad to hear your voice!”

Trip wasn’t sure if the tears he felt on his cheeks were because of the pain or the relief of knowing someone was trying to find him. At this point, he no longer cared.


John had tried another frequency and was just about to switch when he heard a response. He was so surprised after hours of getting no answer back all he could say was “Trip!”

The reply that came back sounded desperate and Trip’s voice was very shaky. Jon feared that the man might be injured.

“We’re on our way, Trip, hold on. We just need to get a reading on your coordinates.” He didn’t get a response, so he kept talking. “Are you all right?” his voice was full of concern since he had never heard Trip sound so distraught before.

“I’m... can’t move... please hurry!” was the weak reply.

“Trip?” Archer tried to hail him again, but got no response, he didn’t know that his best friend was now lying on the shuttle floor out cold. The last of his strength drained away.

Malcolm turned the shuttle toward what he thought might be the direction the hail had come from. They weren’t able to accurately pinpoint it due to the static charges present in the nebula that kept interfering with the signal. He decided to try his radar device again. At first, nothing happened, the sound never returned. He tried again in another direction and waited. Again, the sound didn’t return and he was about to try a different area when the ping suddenly came back!

“Bloody hell, I’ve got him,” he screamed, joyously.

Archer jumped in his seat, startled by the usually reserved Lt’s jubilant outburst.
Malcolm intently read the information on the control unit and then looked at Archer. ” I judge it to be about 2 kilometers away, Sir.”

There was a smile on Malcolm’s face, knowing they had done a good job. As he punched in the co-ordinates, he thought,

This mission won’t be a one way ticket for you yet, Trip!

Archer sighed in relief, he wouldn’t be happy till they had Trip in tow and they were all on their way back to Enterprise.


Continue to Part 2

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Half a dozen of you have made comments

Dang! This was quite a ride! I do hope you post again soon 'cause you left one nasty cliffhanger! :-) Thank you!

TBC? I do hope so and please make it soon:) Thanks.

Nicely done. Anxiously awaiting second part!!!

Excellent! I am absolutely loving this story and the tension is conveyed so well I am on the edge of my seat. I can hardly wait for your next chapter. Lovely to see the cavalry coming to the rescue. Ali D :~)

I was so engrossed in your story that I wasn't keeping an eye on the scroll bar at the side, so when I came across the dreaded TBC, I was gob-smacked!

PLEAAASSSEEEE update soon, I can't bear the suspense.

This is great, poor Trip! Please update soon!!!