

Rather than repeat what's already been done, let me direct you to two amazing sources of information. The first site is Support Enterprise at evay's, a collection of everything we Tuckerites have been able to pull together from our many resources.

You'll find email links, website links, sponsor information, who to write to at UPN, Paramount and other places, even some sample letters. Get crackin' -- one a week at least.

The other is The Enterprise Project, the first and best pro-Enterprise group. Visit their site, get ideas, get contact info, and start making a difference. The latest effort from The Enterprise Project is a bumper sticker. Here's the info:

If It's To Be, It's Up To Me!

Scott Bakula in an online chat with fans at, 09/10/03:

"...everybody watch tonight, and tell everyone else - people on the street. The network is counting on word of mouth! And I'm not kidding, so it's up to everybody out there!"

Fans of Enterprise,

Would you like to find a way to 'tell everyone else - people on the street' about the new season and new direction of Star Trek: Enterprise?
Are you wondering how to help raise awareness about our favorite TV show?
Would you like the chance to positively impact viewership for this crucial third season of Enterprise?

The Enterprise Project can help. Our brand new Enterprise bumper stickers will help you support and proclaim that enthusiastic 'word of mouth' about the show!

Eyecatching, waterproof and inexpensive, the bumper stickers can be displayed indoors or out - any place you want to generate interest in Enterprise.

For details and how to order, visit:

The Enterprise Project has placed a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter on February 24, 2004, an open letter to Dawn Ostroff and Les Moonves, to show fan support at a time when UPN seems to be ignoring the show and contemplating its cancellation. House of Tucker is proudly at the head of the second column. Ad appears below:

Hollywood Reporter Ad #2

The Enterprise Project also placed a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter on September 10, 2003, to thank the cast and crew and show our support on the day of the Season Three premiere. Scott Bakula and the rest saw it and were very touched and thankful. Ad appears below:

Hollywood Reporter Ad


Characters owned by Paramount (please read our disclaimer). Primary content by Archer4Trip unless otherwise stated, with assistance from Myst123, evay, Lo Pan, srtrekker, and many others.