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Those You Cannot Leave Behind - Part 2

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Those You Cannot Leave Behind - Part 2

by Rhylo

Author's e-mail :
Genre : Action/Adventure/Angst/Romance
Rating : PG-13
Summary : Trip's offer of help to an alien community leads to more than he bargained for!
Feed Back : Please, if you'd like to.
Archive : Please feel free.
Disclaimer : Enterprise and all of its characters belong to Paramount. I do this for love and am not receiving any monetary gain. No infringement of copyright intended.

A/N : No more 'smutty' stuff from here on in, so y'all feel free to read on, or chuck it in now!!



Summary : Trip's in trouble again!

Travis docked the shuttlepod safely aboard the waiting Enterprise and the launch bay doors sealed securely beneath them. There was a brief wait while the bay repressurized. The young Ensign looked across at the Chief Engineer who had made no attempt to move. Just what was going on with him? Travis was starting to get concerned. His normally chatty superior officer still looked solemn and distant, a worried frown creasing his brow.

"You okay, Commander?"

Trip straightened a fraction and nodded.

"I'm fine, Travis. Just a little tired, that's all."

He sighed and got to his feet, intending to clear bioscan and head straight to his quarters to shower and change......completely oblivious to what was simultaneously taking place on the Bridge......before all hell broke loose!


Seated in the Captain's chair, Jonathan Archer was about to give the order to take Enterprise out of orbit before catching up on the events of the previous day with his Chief Engineer. He was curious to learn how things had gone and was planning on inviting his friend to join him for a late breakfast in his personal mess.

He happened to glance across at his Communications Officer, Ensign Hoshi Sato. Just one look at her expression told him something was wrong. Seriously wrong. She had the com earpiece pressed tightly to the side of her face, a fixed look of concentration setting her pretty Oriental features.


She looked up at him, frowning.

"Captain, I'm picking up a transmission."

"Where from?"

"The planet's surface." She pressed a couple of buttons on the console, then pressed them again as if doubting the readings from the scanners. "That can't be right."


"Sir, it's coming from Commander Tucker's communicator."

That brought Archer's head up sharply.

"And where exactly is the Commander at this precise moment?" That was directed towards his Science Officer, Sub-Commander T'Pol. She checked her scanner for his biosigns.

"He's still on E-Deck, Captain. Just leaving the launch bay area."

Archer hit a button on the console pad on the arm of his chair.

"Archer to Commander Tucker."

A split-second later Trip's voice came through in reply.

"Tucker here, Cap'n."

Archer raised an eyebrow.

"You seem to be missing something."


Trip was missing something all right. He hadn't a clue what the Captain was talking about.

"Just report to the"

"On my way."

Trip released the com on the wall panel, frowning in consternation. What was going on and why all of a sudden did he get the feeling he was in deep shit?


The turbolift deposited Trip onto the Bridge less than a minute later. He stepped out just in time to hear Hoshi saying, "It's very fragmented......Whoever it is......they're not making any sense."

Trip came onto the deck. Looked innocently across at his friend.

"What's up, Cap'n?"

Archer gave him a look that managed to convey several varying degrees of consternation all in one go.

"It would appear you left something behind in your haste to get back."

Trip opened his mouth. Tried to say something, but Archer cut him off before he had a chance.

"Someone's using your communicator to try and contact us."

Trip swallowed, realisation suddenly dawning. His hand automatically went to his uniform sleeve ~ the pocket where his communicator should have been and obviously wasn't. He'd been so preoccupied after disembarking from the shuttlepod he'd completely forgotten to check it in.

"I had it last night," he protested.

Both eyebrows raised, Archer refrained from comment. Instead he turned his attention back to the com station.

"How's it coming, Hoshi?"

"Just give me a minute, Captain." Ensign Sato was absorbed in focused concentration, furiously pressing buttons, fine tuning dials. "I'm running it through the U.T.......I just need a little more.......Got it!"

She hit the broadcast button and Trip's heart almost stopped. He stood in stunned silence as he heard Alaais' sobbing voice come through the Universal Translator.

"Someone please help me.......Can anyone hear me?........Trip......I need you........"

Hoshi removed the link from her ear.

"That's it, Captain. She just keeps repeating the same message over and over."

Across at his tactical station, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed caught every word. He groaned inwardly. What the bloody hell had Trip been up to now? He dutifully kept his council and said nothing, pretending to be preoccupied with his monitors.

Archer looked sideways at the Commander, his eyes narrowing quizzically.

"Anyone you know?" he asked, somewhat superfluously.

"Yeah." Trip's voice was almost hushed. "It's Alaais." He saw Archer's look, adding, "It's okay.....She's a friend."

Before he could reply, Hoshi interrupted their conversation.

"Sir.....I've just run a telemetry scan on those co-ordinates. Whoever's making this transmission is in pretty bad shape. I'm picking up several physical injuries......."

Alarm overtook Trip's face

"She's in trouble, Cap'n. We've gotta get her outta there!"

Archer sensed the urgency in his friend's voice and with it the implied need for immediate action. There'd be time for explanations later. He'd make damn sure of that. He craned his neck round to look at Sub-Commander T'Pol.

"Have someone get down to D-Deck right away and transport up whoever's at those co-ordinates."

As T'Pol relayed his orders, Archer turned his gaze to his Armoury Officer and Chief of Security.

"Malcolm, alert security and take a detail to the transport room."

Trip shook his head in protest.

"Cap'n, that won't be necessary."

Lieutenant Reed looked from Trip to the Captain. Paused with a slight frown of hesitation.

"You heard me, Lietenant!"

Archer's tone was clipped, to say the least.

"Right away, Captain."

Malcolm rose nimbly from his tactical station and headed for the turbolift, briefly exchanging cryptic eye contact with Trip on his way past. Both looked uncomfortable, but for different reasons.

Archer pushed himself up, eyes bright and razor sharp. Trip steeled himself for the worst. Now he was going to get it. His head was about to roll. Instead, all the Captain said to him was, "There'd better be a damn good reason for this."


Alaais' mind was whirling, desperately seeking a way to contact Trip. Why wasn't he answering her? Her heart lurched with a sickening ache. What if his ship had already left orbit? If that was the case then he would never hear her message. Hear her begging him for help. She was doomed and Taami would be lost to her forever. No-one could save either of them.

The realisation cracked what little was left of her composure, leaving her physically and emotionally distraught and close to breaking point. Small helpless cries punctuated her sobs as she clutched the communicator to her chest. Closing her eyes she fell to her knees in total despair and in that briefest of instants she felt something happening to her body. The strangest of sensations. A feeling of disassociation that lasted seconds at the most. Her eyes flew open. Blinked rapidly to focus, the breath catching in her throat. Totally out of synch with reality.

For a moment she was so scared she couldn't move. Petrified she'd lost her mind. Her surroundings had changed beyond all recognition. She was on some kind of.....platform. All around her were grey, metallic walls and bright overhead lighting. A constant drumming sound reverberated in her ears. Alaais dropped the communicator, her fear giving way to blind panic. She heard sharp incoherent voices. Footsteps fast approaching. Like a terrified cornered animal she made a dive for the only escape route available to her. Dimly she was aware of colliding into someone, of struggling briefly, grabbing hold of something as she pushed them away.

And then she was running.....running with absolutely no idea where she was or where she was going, stumbling down narrow corridors that all looked identical. She could have been going round in circles for all she knew.

Alaais had never been so terrified in all her life. Nothing she had been forced to endure came close to this. She wondered if she were hallucinating. Had she finally toppled over the brink into madness? Was this what it was like when you had nothing or no-one and all that was left was a deep yawning chasm waiting to swallow up what little was left of your sanity? If so, then this must be her own personal nightmare. Her hell. From which death would be her only release ~ an option that, were it not for Taami, she would have welcomed with open arms.

Alarms were going off all around her, their shrill beat measuring that of her own clamouring heart. Heavy footsteps and raised unintelligible voices getting ever closer. Unable to understand or even think straight Alaais careered blindly forwards until she reached the end of a corridor and skidded headlong up against a solid bulkhead wall from which there was no exit. A dead end. Panicking now, she spun round to retrace her steps, but it was too late. Her pursuers were already closing in. Just a few seconds now and they would have caught up with her.

It was then that she glanced down at her hands. Saw the phase pistol she'd snatched from.....whoever it was she had collided with. And in that instant she knew that this was all real. The same instant that an emergency hatch door swished shut in front of her, trapping her inside with no way out.


Malcolm punched the com button on the wall panel.

"Reed to Captain Archer."

"Archer." The Captain's strident voice came back. "Go ahead, Lieutenant."

"Sir, she's heading for the emergency air lock on D-Deck."

"Shut it down and lock it off!"

"Already done, Captain," the Armoury Officer replied. "She's not going anywhere."

"Good. Take full security precautions. We're on our way."

Racing down the corridor, breathing hard, Malcolm approached the now sealed doorway. He slowed his pace, a light sheen of perspiration glistening on his forehead the only betrayal of his inner anxiety. He knew the intruder was armed. The young security guard he'd posted to the transporter room had shamefacedly admitted he'd been caught unawares by her sudden frenzied attack.

Lieutenant Reed silently drew his phase pistol and motioned his two security officers to do the same.

Seconds later, they were joined by Captain Archer and an extremely agitated Chief Engineer.

"Report, Lieutenant." Archer sounded grim. His face was stern.

"She's contained in the air lock, Sir, but I'm afraid she's armed. She managed to get hold of a phase pistol."

"What!?....How the hell......?" He broke off mid sentence and glanced sideways at Trip. "Some friend you've got there!"

Trip ran a hand through his hair.

"Cap'n, I'm tellin' ya.....she means no harm. She's probably scared half to death."

Archer remained resolute.

"Either way I'm not about to take any chances." He nodded to Malcolm. "Set weapons to stun."

Malcolm did as instructed. So did his security team.

Trip was about to argue, but forced himself to hold his tongue. The sheer mental restraint made him bite down hard on his bottom lip. He swallowed carefully, wondering how the Captain was going to handle this. Several seconds ticked by in silence. Then Archer's demeanour stiffened as he looked towards his Armoury Officer.

"Open the hatch door, Malcolm."


The Lieutenant motioned everyone to stand to one side out of the line of fire while he deactivated the security code on the outer door panel.


Inside her tiny, claustrophobic prison, Alaais' shock was absolute as, without any warning the door slid open with a soft hiss and she was confronted by three armed strangers, their weapons drawn and levelled directly at her. One look at their set expressions left her in no doubt they would not hesitate to use them if she made one wrong move. Her heart fluttered, eyes widened in alarm, her arm outstretched pointing the phase pistol straight at the dark-haired officer with the steely grey eyes. Her hand was wavering, fingers dangerously close to the firing mechanism.

A tall austere-looking man stepped into her field of vision, momentarily distracting her. For a second he seemed equally as distracted at the sight of her. His expression softened a little. He said something to her that was completely uninteligible until he fiddled with a little metal device similar to the communicator which he held in his hand.

".....hurt you. My name is Captain Jonathan Archer."

He held his hands out to the side, his movements slow, indicating he wasn't armed.

"No-one wants to hurt you. Why don't you put the weapon down and we can talk?"

Alaais sucked in a terrified breath. Angled the phase pistol slightly to her right warning Archer not to come any closer.

“Where am I?….How did I get here?”

Tension charged the air around them. With a single deliberate look the Captain motioned everyone to stay calm.

“We picked up your distress call,” he explained. “You sounded in danger so we transported you up. You’re on board my ship…..the Enterprise.”

Alaais’ thoughts whirled, jolting her back to some vague semblance of reality.

“Enterprise?…..Trip’s Enterprise?!”

Finally the Commander was able to edge his way past the guards. Archer stepped to one side so he could see her more clearly. What he saw caught him completely off guard. So unprepared for the shock he couldn’t prevent his emotion from being openly displayed across his stunned face. He took a breath to steady himself. She looked so pale and ill. So unrecognisable he could hardly believe it.

“Alaais…..take it easy. No-one wants to hurt ya.”

Catching sight of Trip caused a subtle shift in her expression. Her strained features were now tinged with something else. Hope. Relief. Yet still she kept hold of the phase pistol.

“Tell them to go away,” she implored him.

Trip shook his head.

“I can’t do that. They’re just doin’ their job,” he replied with quiet intensity. He glanced across at the Lieutenant who remained alert, quietly evaluating the situation.

Alaais blinked, feeling suddenly nauseous and in pain. Trip edged closer to her, holding his breath, looking deep into her eyes.

“Alaais…..look at me. I know you’re scared. You have every reason to be…..but I promise ya, no-one’s gonna hurt ya.”

Backed up against the wall of the bulkhead Alaais’ hand was shaking, the pistol obviously becoming heavy in her grasp. Trip held her with his eyes.

“Remember what I said last night? About wantin’ to help?” He saw her nod, swallowing back imminent tears. “I meant every word…..ya know that, right? But I can’t help ya unless ya trust me.” He gave her a second to let his calming words sink in. Moved just a fraction of a step nearer. “You really don’t wanna do this,” he said softly, holding out his hand towards her. “C’mon. Gimme the weapon.” He raised his eyebrows and gave a slight tilt of his head, his voice almost hypnotic. A faint trace of a smile eased the tension on his face.

Alaais had nowhere to run and no strength left either physically or emotionally. Trip’s deep blue eyes transfixed her to the wall, breaking down all of her defences with his gentle sincerity. Her arm faltered and she lowered the weapon, feeling her legs starting to give way. Her tortured face was grey and ashen. To Trip’s utter horror he saw fresh blood trickling down her legs and in one single swift movement he had crossed over to her, catching her and taking hold of the pistol at the same time. He tossed it across to Malcolm who caught it deftly and stood his men down.

Alaais collapsed against the Commander and cried into his neck. He stroked her hair, trying to comfort her.

“What the hell happened, Alaais?” Trip murmured, supporting her fragile weight against him. “Who did this to ya?”

He looked down at her, concern eating him up, yet trying to sound calm for her sake. All the blood seemed to have drained from her face. In an instant it all became blindingly obvious.

“It was Crann, wasn’t it? He did this?”

He didn’t even need her confirmation. He just instinctively knew it was true.

Alaais’ hands clung to him. Her body trembled in spasms of pain. A searing blade of raw emotion twisted in her throat, making her words barely audible.

“Please help me, Trip.”

He only just had time to scoop her up before shock and exhaustion finally claimed her and she passed out in his arms.

A second later Archer was back in control.

“Get her to sickbay.”

Confused as hell though he was, there was still room for compassion in his voice. He shook his head, though why he was surprised he had no idea. When his Chief Engineer got himself embroiled in situations he never did things by halves! He stood aside to let Trip pass, the two men exchanging glances.

“I want a full debrief in my quarters in half an hour, Trip…..and don’t even think about missing anything out.”

The Commander had the good grace to blush.



Rating : PG-13
Summary : At long last, Alaais finally explains. Horrified at the truth, Archer and Trip struggle with decisions.
Disclaimer : Paramount owns all the characters. No infringement of copyright intended.

Doctor Phlox finished his examination, checked the readings and switched off the bioscanner. He drew back the curtains that had allowed him the privacy to work. His expression was grave. A mixture of sadness and anger.

Alaais lay on one of the biobeds looking as white as the sheet that covered her. The doctor hovered over her, professional, yet caring, his voice calm and soothing. The hypospray containing a mild sedative he had just administered washed over her like a soothing ripple, muffling her pain and anxiety, but doing little to dull her thoughts.

Trip stood close by, arms folded, chewing on his bottom lip, his features drawn. He caught the Denobulan’s eye.


Phlox spoke quietly to Alaais and patted her shoulder comfortingly before taking the Chief Engineer to one side.

“Your concerns were well justified, Commander. The young woman has suffered a most vicious attack.”

Trip regarded him carefully.

“Attack? You mean she was raped?”

“Indeed. And not for the first time it would appear. She has several older injuries as well as the more obvious recent ones…..Tell me… you have any idea how this happened?”

Trip shook his head.

“No. But I sure as hell know the bastard responsible.”

They both heard it at the same time. A sudden sharp thud behind them, followed by a small cry. They turned in unison to see Alaais slumped on the floor by the side of the biobed. Her mind had willed her to get up, but the sedative had left her legs too weak to comply.

Trip reached her first. Gently told her to lie still while Phlox ascertained she had not done further injury to herself, then lifted her effortlessly back onto the biobed and adjusted the loose, clean gown she was now wearing in place of her blood-smeared dress.

“Do that again, young lady, and I will have no other option but to use restraints.”

Phlox’s tone was almost fatherly in his soft reprimand.

Alaais clung onto Trip, her arms still wrapped around him.

“I’m sorry,” she said woefully. “I never wished to hurt anyone.”

Trip bent his head closer. “Forget it.” Her warm breath brushed the side of his cheek.

“But I could have killed you.”

He almost managed to hide the ghost of a smile. Failed at the last minute.

“You’d ‘ve had to take the safety off, first!”

He laid her back more comfortably on the biobed, but she would not let go of his arm. She seemed desperate not to break that small physical contact. He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

“The doc says you’re gonna be fine. You just need to get some rest.”

A deep line of worry creased her forehead. “No…..I have to go back…..”

“Are you kiddin’?” Trip interrupted, hardly able to believe his ears. “You’re stayin’ put for the time bein’.”

“But you don’t understand…..I…..”

This time it was Phlox who interrupted.

“I’m afraid I must agree with Commander Tucker. You’re in no condition to be going anywhere at the moment.”

The anguish on her face fired off warning signals in Trip’s head. “There’s more to this, isn’t there?” he asked, although it was really more of a statement of fact. “Alaais…..what is it you’re not tellin’ us?”

She choked back a stricken sob, her brow damp with clammy perspiration. Her whole body shook, emotion pushing her to her limit and beyond. She looked up into his gentle calm eyes and in a voice filled with such utter pain that left him in stunned silence told him, “Crann had my husband killed, Trip…….And now he’s holding my daughter hostage…….I can’t leave her.”


Trip hesitated before pressing the door chime to the Captain’s quarters. He prepared himself for the inevitable onslaught. Ah, to hell with it, he thought. Speak the truth and shame the devil. He punched the door chime on the wall.

“Come in!” Archer’s raised voice came from within.

Trip activated the enter button and stepped inside. The Captain seemed distracted, gazing out at the stars through the starboard window. He turned to face Trip as he entered, worry and concern etched on his features.

“Cap’n.” Trip sounded a little awkward. “Ya might wanna sit down for this.”

Archer pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply, but he took his friend’s advice nevertheless, eyeing him warily.

“Do I really want to know?” he asked. “How much worse can this get, Trip?”

Trip sighed in response.

“Believe me….A lot!”

Archer motioned him to take a seat opposite him. Listened intently without interruption as the Commander began to relate his experiences of the previous night ~ his dubious impressions of Crann, his underlying suspicions that in the light of recent events had proved to be well founded, the brutal assault Crann had inflicted upon Alaais, keeping her a slave to his every sickening whim, the constant threat of imminent harm to her captive young daughter guaranteeing her total compliance.

“D’ya know Alaais hasn’t seen Taami in nearly six months? She’s terrified she won’t even recognise her anymore.”

Trip shook his head, clearly unable to comprehend such a cold and callous manipulation of a mother’s natural instincts. He marvelled at Alaais’ inner strength to survive and stay sane for the sake of her child. His voice shook with such fierce emotion that turned him inside out as he looked across at his friend.

“What kind of a bastard would do that to someone, Jon?”

Archer’s face was solemn giving Trip his undivided attention.

“You said Crann had Alaais’ husband killed?”

Trip nodded.

“Caleb used to be in charge of the community. He and Alaais lived in what’s now Crann’s quarters. Caleb was a fair and respected leader. Crann was always a troublemaker….always tryin’ to get one over. Make it look like Caleb was weak. They had a disagreement over dealin’ with some alien traders. Caleb had a gut feelin’ they couldn’t be trusted…..didn’t want to risk exposin’ his people to harm by invitin’ them down. Soon after that, Crann and a few loyal followers instigated an uprisin’. Once Caleb’s leadership had been overthrown Crann had him arrested and taken away for execution.”

Archer shook his head, baffled by this whole convoluted mess, marvelling at his Chief Engineer’s uncanny magnetism for attracting waifs and strays ~ first on Earth and now on nearly every planet they set foot on. He gave a thoughtful look.

“You know, there used to be an ancient custom back on Earth. Whenever a new leader came to power he would automatically lay claim to whatever he considered was rightfully his…..Property, valuables, livestock……women.”

Trip was thinking along the same lines.

“Seems Crann likes to keep the tradition goin’ then, doesn’t it?” He wet his lips, fighting to stay calm. “Only question is…..what are we goin’ to do about it?”


The Commander sensed immediately the hesitation in Archer’s tone.

“Well, we can’t just sit on our hands and do nothin’!”

The Captain’s patience was beginning to fray around the edges.

“It’s not an issue Starfleet would want to get involved with, Trip. It’s not their problem.”

“No, but it’s our problem… least it is now. Alaais needs our help. Crann has her daughter. Who knows what he’s plannin’ on doin’ with her. We’ve gotta do something.”

Trip never knew silence could be so oppressive. It was hard staying in control of his emotions.

“Just talk to her, Cap’n……”

He raised a pleading eyebrow. Archer hated it when he did that. It made him feel such a guilty son of a bitch. He gave an exasperated look, saying nothing. But it was sufficient to convey his meaning. He bit back a sigh and pressed the com button on his console.

“Sickbay.” Phlox’s distinctive voice came through.

“Is your patient well enough to answer a few questions?”

The doctor hesitated a beat.

“I’ve had to increase her sedation, but yes, I do believe she will be able to hold a conversation.”

“Good. Expect company soon.”

There was a time thought Archer when I actually believed I was supposed to make the decisions on this ship! He glanced across at Trip.

“Good enough?”

With extreme relief, Trip nodded.



Rating : PG-13
Summary : Rumours run riot on Enterprise as Archer formulates a plan of action.
Disclaimer : Paramount owns all the characters. No infringement of copyright intended.

Lieutenant Reed, Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather were all at their stations on the Bridge. Travis had so far bitten back his inquisitiveness, but no-one was saying anything and he couldn’t stand the not knowing any longer.

“So…..what’s the story with the Commander’s friend?” he asked, looking towards the Armoury Officer. “I heard she had a phase pistol levelled at the Captain.”

Malcolm gave a brief nod.

“It got a little tense, but Commander Tucker managed to diffuse the situation. She’s in sickbay as we speak being treated by Doctor Phlox.”

Travis raised his eyebrows.

“Is she ill, or something?”

Malcolm was playing it by the book.

“I don’t know all the details, Travis. By all accounts she’s had a pretty tough time. All I know is the Captain’s gone to talk to her to see if he can help.”

The Lieutenant knew they must be all fired up with curiosity, but he didn’t feel it appropriate to elaborate further. Travis nodded slowly. Obviously that was about as much as he was going to get out of the Lieutenant. Tight-lipped Brit!

Malcolm was churning his own, more personal thoughts over inside his head. While it was true Commander Tucker seemed to have developed a bit of a reputation for being a ‘ladies man’ the Lieutenant actually believed that reputation to be largely hearsay and exaggerated grapevine gossip, or maybe even jealousy on the part of certain crewmembers. He actually thought the Commander was just misunderstood. Add to that a penchant for attracting trouble like a magnet and getting himself embroiled in difficult situations that usually involved a female ~ and usually a very attractive female ~ and he could see how quickly things could easily get blown up out of all proportion. And, after all, it wasn’t the Chief Engineer’s fault women seemed to fall at his feet without him having to lift a finger. Jammy bastard! Life was so unfair, the Armoury officer reflected. It was all he could do to get a girl to have lunch with him!


Down in sickbay, Doctor Phlox motioned the Captain and Trip to one side as they entered. He held up a hand signalling for them to keep their voices hushed.

“How is she, doc?” Waiting anxiously, Trip asked the question that was uppermost on both their minds.

Phlox’s tone was gentle. Compassionate.

“Her physical injuries will heal in time, of course. However she is a deeply traumatised young woman which, given the circumstances, is hardly surprising.”

Archer nodded pensively.

“I’d like to talk to her about the situation with her daughter. Find out more about what Crann is planning on doing.”
“I understand, Captain. But might I suggest you keep it brief. Try to be…..tactful. Her emotional state is very fragile to say the least. I fear she is close to breaking point.”

The Doctor guided them over to the biobed where Alaais was resting. Her eyes were closed and at first she appeared to be sleeping. Phlox spoke to her gently and touched her shoulder. Her eyelids flickered open. The sallow planes of her face worried Trip immensely. She looked a shadow of her former self. Exhausted, pale and small.

“Hey, there,” he whispered in a soft tone. He gestured towards Archer standing next to him. “You remember the Captain?”

Alaais nodded, too weak or too heavily sedated to lift herself up.

“He’s gotta talk to ya…..about Taami. I know it’s not easy for ya, but we have to find out what’s goin’ on… we can help.”

Trip glanced briefly towards Archer who proceeded to take over the conversation. He smiled down at her, trying to choose his words carefully.

“Trip tells me Governor Crann has taken your daughter.”

Alaais blinked and gave a barely noticeable nod.

“D’you know where she is?…..Where he’s holding her?”

She slowly shook her head. Replied in a voice so faint he had to strain to listen.

“He would never tell me. He kept promising to let me see her……now he’s going to take her away from me for good.” She paused on the brink of a well of silent tears. “I’m so sorry…..I had no-one else to turn to…..”

Archer smiled in a gesture of genuine sympathy.

“It’s okay. I understand now why you did what you did. Any mother would have done the same.”

“Will you help me?” she pleaded. “Please…..for all I know Taami may be dead….. I have to know……”

She barely had sufficient energy to lift her arm, but nevertheless she managed to muster the strength to grab hold of Archer’s sleeve. Even though her eyes were glazed with sedation her desperation still shone out like a beacon. The Captain rested a comforting hand on hers. He knew she needed hope. Some glimmer of light to stop the darkness from engulfing her. He turned his attention to Phlox.

“If we were to scan the settlement for the child, we’d need some means of identifying her biosigns.”

Phlox nodded, getting his drift.

“A DNA sample from the mother would suffice. It would provide enough genetic material to enable you to locate her.”

“How long are we talking?”

Phlox looked at him keenly.

“I can prepare the necessary information you would require within the hour.”

Trip held his breath as Archer straightened a little and nodded.

“Let me know when it’s ready. Have the details put through to the Bridge.” He gritted his jaw. “Meanwhile…..let’s go have a little chat with Governor Crann.”


Back on the Bridge, the Governor’s enlarged features filled the main viewscreen. He looked puzzled.

“Captain Archer. Is there a problem? I thought you would have been well on your way by now.”

“I can assure you we would……had it not been for a rather unpleasant situation that has been brought to our attention.”

Crann frowned.

“And what might that be?”

“The young woman named Alaais…..she tells us you’re holding her daughter hostage.”

Realisation dawned on the Governor. His cold eyes narrowed, his expression tightening, becoming almost hateful.

“Ah. That explains a few things…..I take it Alaais is aboard your ship?”

Archer nodded once.

“For the time being. She’s receiving medical attention. Our Doctor is concerned about her injuries……something you would have first hand knowledge of it would seem.”

Crann lifted a dismissive hand, casually sweeping the inference aside.

“Our relationship should not concern you, Captain. As for Alaais’ daughter….she is in safe hands. You have my word.”

“Gee, that’s comforting.” Reacting without thought, Trip could neither contain himself nor his blatant sarcasm any longer. Crann’s beady eyes homed in on his.

“Commander Tucker! Obviously you’ve taken a greater interest in Alaais than I first thought. My compliments to you…..You have excellent taste. Sadly however, she has recently become somewhat unrewarding. I find I now have no further use for her.” A slow smile stole across his face. “You’re welcome to keep her if it so pleases you. She can be very….accommodating.”

Controlled by his volatile nature, Trip felt his blood beginning to boil over. Archer quickly stilled him with a look.

“What about her daughter, Taami?”

Crann’s lips tightened into a thin line.

“The child stays with me. I have plans for the little one.” A taunting leer crept slowly across his features. “You know it’s so much easier to mould their personality from an early age. You can turn them into anything you want…..Make them do anything you want.”

Trip was desperately grateful Alaais wasn’t hearing this conversation. It would have ripped her to shreds in seconds. Something deep within him wanted to do exactly the same to Crann. So much so it made him shudder with revulsion.

Archer was trying to remain courteous and dignified, but even he was having trouble.

“With respect, Governor. I would strongly suggest you reconsider your position. Without wanting to appear unfriendly you must realise my ship has a full compliment of weapons. We could destroy your settlement at the press of a button…..and you along with it.”

“And risk killing hundreds of innocent people…..including the child?” Crann shook his head emphatically. “I think not. Not even you would be that reckless, Captain.” He paused a beat, then retaliated with such a thinly veiled threat it was virtually transparent. “Any attack on my settlement will be viewed as an act of unprovoked aggression. We may not possess the firepower to defend ourselves, but I can assure you I have many friends all over the galaxy who have far greater technology than yours. Any one of them would be willing to track your ship down and see to it that you and all of your crew die a slow and painful death……marooned and adrift in the cold expanse of space.”

The malice in his tone was overwhelming as he called Archer’s bluff. The Captain gritted his teeth exchanging a brief look with his Chief Engineer.

“You know, it’s a strange thing, but I don’t particularly like being threatened.”

Crann’s expression never faltered.

“Then we’re two of a kind, aren’t we, Captain? I trust we understand one another. Tread very carefully….if not for your own safety then for the sake of your crew. Take your ship out of orbit and leave now unharmed or pursue this pointless exercise and risk losing your command and your ship……It’s your choice.”
Crann disappeared from the viewscreen as he cut the communication.

“Sonofabitch! He’s one helluva piece of work!”

Despite his frantic attempts at calm, the Governor’s words had inflamed Trip, lighting up his normally placid face with festering resentment.

Archer punched the com button on his console. His voice was measured and deeply resonant.

“Archer to sickbay.”

“Yes, Captain,” he heard Phlox respond.

“You got anything for me yet?”

“I’ve isolated the specific data you will require. I’m sending it to your terminal as we speak.”

“Thanks, Phlox.”

Archer switched off the com and glanced up at Trip, giving his friend a look that was meant to convey his total support. Then he turned to his Armoury Officer at his tactical station.

“We’re going to need a search party, Malcolm. Put together a small armed team to be ready to leave as soon as we have the co-ordinates. I’ll brief them on the way down.”

“Aye, Captain.”

Malcolm leapt nimbly up from his seat, heading for the turbolift.

Trip’s relief was palpable as Archer stood up and patted him on the shoulder, his eyes sparkling.

“Well, what are you waiting for? You wanna go kick some ass?”

The Commander’s return grin was almost comical.

“Thought you’d never ask!”

Turning to leave, the Captain nodded at his Science Officer.

“The Bridge is yours, Sub-Commander.”


Rating : PG-13
Summary : The team launch a rescue attempt with a surprising outcome.
Disclaimer : Paramount owns the characters. No infringement of copyright intended.


Enterprise’s bioscanners picked up a signal within minutes that matched the genetic material Doctor Phlox had isolated from Alaais’ blood. Scans of the planet’s surface had indicated Taami was indeed alive and being kept at a location some five kilometres north west of the settlement Trip had visited. A further search had given them a detailed scan of the area on the edge of some dense woodland. There were no signs of any active sensor sweeps and no defence systems.

At the helm of the shuttlepod, Trip found a landing site well clear of any detection and engaged the descent thrusters, setting the small vessel down in a clearing to the north. A short walk would bring them to the vicinity of a wooden built complex where Alaais’ daughter was being held. Scans had indicated only three other biosigns were on the premises so it appeared she was not under heavy guard. Crann was obviously not expecting company.

Archer took point with Trip and Malcolm following close behind, phase pistols drawn and set on stun. It wasn’t far ~ it only appeared twice as long because of the tortuous route they had to take to circumnavigate the lethal twisted undergrowth that threatened to send them sprawling on their faces if their concentration lapsed an inch.

The outside of the structure was surrounded by a high perimeter fence constructed from crude wire and wood with an observation platform built into one corner. Breaching their defences wasn’t difficult. Trip took out the first sentry before the guard even knew what had hit him. A short, sharp burst of concentrated energy from one of the phase pistols soon made light work of the obstacle and the team pushed on soundlessly towards the building.

Archer carried a bioscanner in his free hand tracking Taami’s location and their advancing progress. They hadn’t gone very far when they were spotted by another of the guards who quickly shouldered a plasma rifle and fired off a burst of energy that came so close it all but singed the hair on the Captain’s head. In the same split-second, Malcolm dived to the ground and, with lightning reactions, let loose a burst of fire from his phase pistol that caught the guard mid-chest. He dropped in his tracks like a stone, a little wheeze of breath escaping before he hit the ground and oblivion. Archer mouthed the Lieutenant his silent thanks.

After that, they proceeded more cautiously expecting the third guard to come running at any moment, but there appeared to be no sign until a telemetry signal registered on the bioscanner very close to Taami’s location. Sure enough, as they entered the building and rounded a corner they came face to face with the third biosign. Governor Crann. It was a close call as to who was the most surprised. From his left hand, dangling helplessly in his grasp, Taami hung frozen with fear. His right hand held a plasma pistol pressed firmly to the side of her head, finger on the trigger.

The Captain and his team stopped dead in their tracks, weapons levelled, but at a stand off. Archer was the first to speak.

“Drop your weapon, Crann, and let the child go. You have my word you will not be harmed.”

The Governor gave a dry, throaty laugh.

“I think not, Captain. On the contrary it should be you giving the order to stand down. I’m sure you don’t wish any harm to befall the child. Bloodshed would be…..unfortunate to say the least. Such a waste.”

When Archer stood his ground, Crann’s tone became measured and infinitely more menacing.

“This is your final warning, Captain. I mean what I say. After all, it’s only a child. She is of no immediate use to me. She would require at least another couple of years to blossom.” He stared Archer dead in the eye. “Now tell your men to lower their weapons and let me pass.”

Reluctantly Archer nodded towards Malcolm. With equal reticence he and his team lowered their weapons and backed off down the corridor and out into the compound. Taami struggled helplessly and cried out as Crann dropped her to the ground and half dragged her backwards by her hair. Her dark, melting eyes ~ a perfect replica of her mother’s ~ were wide with fear and anguish. Crann’s weapon never faltered from her head. Trip’s eyes never faltered from Crann. Just waiting for an opportunity to make his move. Just itching for the chance to kick the living shit out of him. One wrong move though and it could all go disastrously wrong. Trip didn’t want to be the one to have to tell Alaais her daughter had been injured in crossfire, or worse still, killed for some stupid reckless act of false heroics.

They were out in the open air again now. Crann was backing towards the perimeter gateway.

“Just how far d’you think you’re going to get?” Archer asked him.

“Far enough,” Crann responded. “You’re not about to touch me as long as I have my insurance.”

He scruffed Taami, half lifting her off her feet. She struggled against him, trying to kick out, twisting and writhing. Crann shook her like a ragdoll and shouted at her to be still. She was whimpering now, confused, terrified, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Trip comforted her. “Try and stay calm.”

Crann slipped through the gateway, his free arm now wrapped around Taami’s neck. The little girl was beginning to panic, choking and gasping, her lungs screaming out for air. Little by little his fierce grip was suffocating the life out of her fragile body. Forced to keep their distance there was nothing Trip or Archer could do.
Nearing the tree line now, Crann backed towards a massive trunk. Coiled vines ~ several inches thick ~ twined their way around the bark, radiating outwards into the undergrowth, knotted and gnarled, threatening to make every foothold lethal.

All it took was a moment’s lapse in concentration. Crann’s footing slipped precariously, his legs entangled in the thicket of wild vegetation. His smug smile was instantly replaced by one of alarm. Too late his head jerked round in surprise as the pistol was wrenched out of his grasp by someone or something unseen, sending him sprawling onto his copious backside with all of his weight. He screamed as his leg bent backwards beneath him at an unnatural angle and snapped in two rendering him completely helpless and writhing in agony, only succeeding in becoming more entangled in his pitiful frantic efforts to free himself.

Taami’s own fall had been cushioned by Crann. Relatively unharmed she jumped to her feet and scuttled as fast as she could away from her captor and into Trip’s outstretched arms where he soothed her with soft gentle words.

Before any of the crew had time to react, another shape appeared out of the trees, holding Crann’s weapon. Even though he was hopelessly outnumbered he still had the audacity to level it at any or all of them.

“Who are you?” the stranger demanded. “And what the hell are you doing with my daughter?”

Trip’s breath hitched.


The man seemed thrown now. Off guard.

“How d’you know my name?”

His features were grim. Unwashed, unshaven and limping badly, his clothes in dirty shreds, the man looked towards Taami and softened. In that very second, recognition dawned on the face of the little girl.


She pulled out of Trip’s grasp and ran full pelt towards her father. They hugged deliriously. Caleb dropped his weapon and collapsed onto his knees, pulling his beloved daughter closer.

Trip and Archer stole up quietly while Malcolm grabbed the pistol and slammed on the safety.

“I’m Captain Jonathan Archer of the Starship Enterprise…..I have someone on board my ship who’s going to be pretty surprised to see the both of you.”



Rating : PG-13
Summary : Sweet reunions……
Disclaimer : Paramount owns all the characters. No infringement of copyright intended.


The doors to sickbay swooshed open as Archer strode in. Already waiting impatiently, Trip could hardly contain his excitement, his eyes dancing with happiness. He looked over to Alaais’ biobed. She was awake and met his eyes nervously.

“Did you find Taami?”

A smile tugged at his lips, stretching them wide.

“We sure did,” he replied.

“Is she all right?”

The tension in her words was palpable. Trip gave her a look.

“Why don’tcha see for yerself!”

Accompanied by Phlox, Taami came into view. The Doctor had given her a full medical examination and, apart from being slightly bruised and undernourished, had pronounced her fit and well. On spotting Alaais, the little girl broke into a run, nestling into her mother’s open arms, happy contented laughter taking them over.

Archer watched them both silently for a long moment before speaking.

“There’s someone else who’d very much like to say hello again to you,” he informed her, trying to control the rising excitement in his voice.

Alaais blinked up at him, confused. Swallowed hard rendered speechless at the sight of the husband she had thought long since dead. He was hardly recognisable and seemed hunched up in barely disguised discomfort, yet her face lit up at the sight of him. Her lips formed his name, but her voice was lost in joy and disbelief. It seemed too much information for her to take in. Even Trip had trouble biting back the tears, his eyes misting over. Caleb’s touch on her shoulder made her head whirl. She wrapped her hands around him, pulling herself gently close enough to be able to hug him. Despite the obvious pain from his crippled body, her smile fired his heart, a slow and beautiful wonder drowning out any other sense. Happiness, complete and needy, bubbled up to the surface of their emotions. Their aching for each other made them both tingle and glow with passion as Taami spun round again and again, loud and boisterous, elbowing between them for her share of cuddles. Alaais dipped her head. Kissed and squeezed her tightly until she wriggled away giggling.

Trip took the Captain aside, speaking in a low voice.

“The Doc thinks he can fix Caleb’s injuries. They’re old wounds, so it may take a while, but he’s pretty sure the treatment will be successful.”

Archer smiled.

“That’s good to hear.” He paused, somewhat overcome at the happy reunion in front of him. “As for Governor Crann….I seriously doubt he’ll be going anywhere in a hurry.” He hesitated a beat. “I told Phlox to keep his pain medication to a minimum.”

There was a glint of humour, almost verging on wickedness in his expression.

Trip responded with a roll of his eyes.

“You did that?…..Ah, hell….I can just see the look on Phlox’s face.”

The doctor was a great believer in his code of medical ethics.

Archer smiled.

“Actually it was more like an order.”

Trip raised an eyebrow…..He had no answer to that!


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