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The Miles That Lay Ahead- Chapter 10

Author - Gabi
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The Miles That Lay Ahead

by Gabi

Genre: Action/Adventure/Angst
Rating: PG-13 (one or two chapters will be rated R later on)

Disclaimer: I guess I own the aliens in this story, the friendly as well as the unfriendly ones, but unfortunately none of the Enterprise staff.


Chapter 10

Jonathan Archer sat in his ready room, staring at the computer screen, but he didn't really see the data displayed on the monitor in front of him. His mind was completely occupied with something else. Archer was worried. And it was only with great effort that he fought the urge to get up and vent some of his restlessness by pacing to and fro. They'd been flying at top speed for several days now, the Engineering crew pulling double shifts in order to keep the strained warp engine up to scratch. Archer had no idea how she had done it, but Lieutenant Hess had even managed to speed her up to warp 5.2 - only for short periods of time, of course. In the meantime they were back to a steady warp 4.85. Trip was going to be proud of his team when he heard how hard they had worked during his absence.

Trip. Archer's thoughts kept returning to his friend, and he wondered how he was doing. Being locked up in a crammed shuttle was bad enough if one was still able to walk. But Trip was confined to sitting or lying, or using his arms when he wanted to get somewhere on his own. Archer sighed when he thought of the humiliation of having to resort to such means. Here on Enterprise Trip's handicap wasn't such a big problem. With his wheelchair he was able to get almost everywhere on his own without having to ask for help. But now he had to feel terribly helpless, locked up in that shuttlepod. Jon was sure Malcolm was going to take good care of Trip, but still, he wished he could have been there himself. Why ever had he ordered Trip on this mission? The captain knew better than everyone else that every away mission was potentially dangerous. And Trip had a special knack for finding trouble wherever he went. Archer smiled bitterly, remembering the tense minutes back on the bridge after the shuttle had disappeared in the anomaly. All but holding their breath, they had desperately waited for a life sign from the two officers. Even T'Pol had shown a certain... apprehension in her posture. They all knew only too well that the anomaly could transport the shuttle to a far away place somewhere in deep space, making it impossible for Enterprise to ever find their two lost crewmembers again.

The time that had passed since Trip's last transmission had dragged by at a snail's pace. Jon bit his lips, fighting the urge to ask Hoshi if she had finally located the communications buoy Trip had been planning to release. He knew the young communications officer would report it immediately if her scanners picked something up, and there was no use in increasing the general nervousness by pestering her every other minute.

Noticing T'Pol watching him, Archer pulled himself together. He was the captain, and he mustn't let his apprehension show.

"You are aware of the fact, Captain," T'Pol began, "that we can only receive a transmission if we are within comm range of the subspace transmitter the Commander was going to release. But the chances that the shuttle has been taken to areas of space where we will not be able to retrieve it are..."

"I'm picking something up," Hoshi interrupted the Vulcan.

"The subspace transmitter?"

"I think so." Hoshi recalibrated her sensors and listened. Then her lips curved upwards in a smile. "It is the subspace transmitter, Captain."

Jon let out a breath of relief. If they were able to receive the transmitter's signal, then the shuttle was still within reach. "Where are they?"

"Just a moment, Captain." Hoshi looked up. "It looks like they've been taken to the other side of the nebula."

"Thank God," Travis muttered in a low voice, but still audible from his place at the helm. "I was afraid they'd..."

"Yes, Ensign," Archer cut him off. "We all were." He turned to T'Pol. "Have you found a way we can get through that nebula?"

T'Pol bent over her instruments. "The data of the probe Commander Tucker released are coming in. Our assumption was correct. There is no way to take a ship the size of Enterprise through the nebula."

"Can we contact the shuttle?"

Hoshi shook her head. "I've been trying, but the nebula interferes with the comm signal."

"So we have to fly around it." Archer sighed. "I'm starting to get really sick of nebulae. Travis, set a course. The shortest route around the nebula. Hoshi, tell Lieutenant Hess we need everything her engines have got over the next few days. We've got to get our boys back."

Back in his ready room, Archer allowed himself a small smile when he thought of T'Pol's raised eyebrows when he had called the two officers "our boys". He turned back to the computer display that showed Enterprise's current course. They'd been on their way for four days now, and the initial relief had vanished to be replaced by restlessness. The probe had only transmitted for a short while, then its signal had suddenly vanished. Same with the subspace transmitter whose signal had all of a sudden disappeared from Hoshi's sensors. What was happening out there? There had to be a reason the probes had disappeared. Had they been destroyed? Was there something out there that was a potential danger to Trip and Malcolm as well? Patience had never been one of Jon's strong sides. It was driving him nuts, thinking of all the things that could happen to the small shuttle out there in deep space. And of course there was Trip with his paralyzed legs.

Jon shook his head. No matter how hard he tried distracting himself, his thoughts kept returning to Trip. He should have never sent him on this mission in the first place. If something happened to him out there, then it was his, Jon's, fault. And in that case Jon would never be able to forgive himself. He'd gone too far in his attempt at finding something to keep Trip's mind off his worries. Remembering Trip's weary face, Jon sighed. He could only hope Trip was going to hold on. Well, at least there was Malcolm to take care of him. Archer smiled sourly, thinking that Malcolm certainly preferred Trip's company to that of his captain, locked up in that crammed shuttle. It had always been a mystery to Jon how Trip had managed to build up such a close friendship with Enterprise's reticent armory officer, a friendship that had grown closer and stronger the better the two men got to know each other. Jon remembered the hours he had spent with Malcolm, keeping a nightly vigil over a dangerously ill Trip. Aware of the captain's presence, Malcolm had tried to maintain a stoic countenance, but he had not always managed. Every time he had looked at Trip, who was lying motionless on the bio bed, hooked up to the respirator that was keeping him alive, his controlled mask had slipped and allowed a glimpse of a very vulnerable lieutenant who was worried to death about his friend. Their equal concern for Trip had united them despite their different ranks, and the long hours they had waited for Trip to show a sign of improvement had formed a new understanding between them. Archer had always trusted his security officer, but then this trust had grown more personal. Both of them were aware of the other's worry about their friend, and so they had finally found an equal basis they could interact on. Jon had the impression that ever since Malcolm had been less reserved when talking to him. Which didn't mean, of course, that Reed would enjoy spending six days locked up in a shuttle with his captain.

Jon took a deep breath. He was sure his two officers had the situation under control. He ought to be content with knowing that the shuttle hadn’t ended up in another galaxy, and that they were going to rendezvous in two days. And if nothing else, then maybe the whole thing would have a positive effect on Trip's emotional condition. Jon remembered their conversation on the observation deck. He hadn't yet found the time to talk to Phlox whether Trip's physical weakness was going to be a permanent condition. Well, that wasn't quite the truth. There had been enough time during the last few days while they had flown around the nebula, but Jon had been secretly afraid to hear Phlox confirm his fears. He knew Phlox couldn't deny the possibility, since he didn't know enough about either the poison or the cure to do so. But as long as the doctor hadn't said aloud that Trip was going to suffer these relapses for the rest of his life, Jon could still believe that it wasn't going to be so. It was an irrational way of thinking, but right now Jon couldn't bring himself to seek for certainty.

"Bridge to Captain Archer. There's a ship approaching on an intercept course."

Jon looked up. Hopefully this didn't mean more trouble. The last thing he needed now were further delays. What he could need, though, was a little help. Maybe these people could tell him how to take Enterprise through the nebula. He got up and stepped onto the bridge.

"Do we know what kind of ship it is?"

"Negative, Captain," T'Pol responded.

"They're hailing us," Hoshi said.

"Can you understand what they're saying?"

"The UT is online and working. We should drop out of warp."

"Alright, Travis, disengage warp drive. Let's hear what they want." Jon nodded at Hoshi who established a connection.

"This is Captain Archer from the starship Enterprise," Jon introduced himself. "Is there something we can do for you?"

The image of a tall woman with short gray hair appeared on the screen. Except for her very porous skin and flat nose she looked almost human. She lowered her head as a way of greeting.

"I'm Captain K'Tokh and I represent the people of Merak. You are about to enter our territory." Her voice was dark and cold, causing Archer to shiver inwardly.

"I apologize," he said in a polite but firm voice. "We are on a rescue mission. Two of my officers are on the other side of that nebula..."

"Your officers flew inside that nebula?" K'Tokh asked, her nostrils trembling.

"Yes. Do you know about the anomaly?"

"Of course. I still can't allow you to enter our territory."

"Maybe you do not understand the urgency of our current mission. My officers are in a shuttle and their chances of survival are diminishing with every delay. I'm asking you to allow us to cross your territory."

"No, Captain. This is not open to discussion." The woman slightly tilted her head. "I understand you are worried about your crewmen. But I have orders to defend our borders at all cost."

"Why? What harm can a single space ship crossing your territory do? We are on a mission of peace."

"I'm not in the position to discuss the decisions of the Merakian High Council. But I will act according to my orders. Even if that means resorting to force. I'm transferring you the coordinates of our territory. If you decide to invade our borders, you will regret it."

Archer threw T'Pol a questioning look.

"At least three additional days," she said, staring at her screen. "Probably more, since we cannot keep up warp 4.8 for a longer period of time."

Archer turned back to the woman on the screen. "Listen, we'd lose too much time. My officers only have limited resources in their shuttle. They can't survive for a longer period of time. Is there a way of contacting your High Council and discussing this?"

"The High Council does not engage in discussions with outworlders. Our rules are clear and strict. No strangers may violate the borders of our territory. And anyway, Captain, either your men are long dead, or they have stranded on a planet where they can survive longer than only a few days."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Archer narrowed his eyes at her.

"The anomaly leads directly into an asteroid field which is far too dense even for a small craft to navigate between the asteroids. I assume your officers crashed the minute they left the anomaly. It takes very capable pilots to survive more than a few seconds in that field. If the shuttle isn't equipped with very solid hull plating or a force field, you can be certain it has been badly damaged. If your officers are really good, they may have managed to land somewhere. There is a solar system with several habitable planets nearby. But as I said, it is a very small possibility."

Archer felt anger build in his stomach the longer he had to listen to that arrogant voice. If what she said was true, then it was even more important they found Trip and Malcolm as soon as possible. With an effort, he tried for his voice to sound level as he answered.

"Captain K'Tokh, maybe you see another possibility we..."

"Stay out of our territory, Captain. That is the only possibility I see."

"Captain." The quiet voice coming from the tactical station made Archer indicate Hoshi to cut the connection for a moment. He turned around.

"The Merakian vessel is capable of warp 7," Reed's substitute, Ensign Faulkner, reported. "Maybe they would be willing to search for Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed. I don't have to tell you they could do so a lot faster than we."

"Yes, and not least because they have the advantage of being allowed to cross their territory," Archer grumbled. "Thanks, Ensign." He nodded at Hoshi.

"Captain K'Tokh, we are willing to stay out of your territory if you are willing to help us look for our men. With warp 7 that shouldn't be a..."

"I'm sorry, Captain, but we can't do that."

Archer took a deep breath. He hated being cut off in mid-sentence all the time. And he didn't really believe that she was actually regretting her inability to help them. But for the benefit of Trip and Malcolm he had to try again.

"Why not, Captain? Aren't your people interested in establishing relations with other cult..."

"I said no, Captain. My people are not interested in any cultural exchange whatsoever. We are only interested in protecting our borders. I refuse to discuss this any further. I'm warning you, Captain Archer. We are not the only ship in the vicinity. If you try to violate our borders, we will blast you to pieces. You should be concerned about the safety of the rest of your crew. As I said, your men are long dead. Better write them off. Now resume your course and stay away from Merak."

The screen transformed and again showed the image of the alien ship who was hovering dangerously close.

Archer turned to the tactical station. "Write them off," he muttered. "You'd like that." He took a deep breath. "What does the weapon scan show, Ensign?"

"Phasers and photon torpedoes. Their fire power is about equal to ours," Faulkner reported. "We won't be able to get through a fight undamaged, and if it's true that they have more ships the odds are not in our favor, sir."

"Do you scan other ships in the vicinity?"

"Not right now, Captain. But that doesn't really mean anything; they could be here any time at warp 7."

Lips pressed together, Archer stared at the ship which was still blocking their way.

"Sir, they're loading weapons."

"I like that woman," Archer said. "Such a warm-hearted person."

He just had to say something to vent his frustration. Hoshi allowed herself a hesitant smile, but T'Pol threw him an uncomprehending glance.

"Set a course around their territory and go to warp," he told Travis. "For now," he added. "I'm in my ready room."


The captain was furious. Who did this Captain K'Tokh think she was, treating him in such a condescending way? He felt the urge to simply barge in there with their phasers blasting, and fight their way through that territory. A delay of three days. Which could make the difference between life and death for Trip and Malcolm. Assuming, of course, they were still alive. A hard lump formed in Jon's chest at the thought. How many hits by asteroids could the shuttle withstand? Both Trip and Malcolm were good pilots, but of course they weren't able to work miracles. K'Tokh's description of the asteroid field didn't sound good. Not at all.

The door signal sounded, and T'Pol entered. "Am I disturbing you, Captain?"

"Not at all. Please, sit down."

T'Pol slightly bowed her head, but remained standing, clasping her hands behind her back. "You are not considering crossing the Merakian territory, are you, Captain?"

Archer looked up. How would she know? He realized that in the meantime T'Pol had come to know him very well, and was able to pick up his moods even though she claimed to be unfamiliar with emotions. Of course the possibility of fighting his way through was still very present in his mind.

"Captain. Such a course of action would be both foolish and destined to fail."

Thanks very much, T'Pol, for never hesitating to speak your mind. But to be honest, I'm fed up with people telling me what to do.

Archer got up. "So what are you suggesting?" he asked a lot calmer than he felt.

"We have very limited options, Captain. Flying around the Merakian territory seems the logical thing to do."

"Maybe they were bluffing. Maybe they are the only ship out here."

"I see no reason why K'Tokh would lie to us, Captain. But even if she did, the Merakian ships are capable of flying warp 7. They could be here within a matter of minutes."

"Maybe the other captains are a little more cooperative, and willing to negotiate."

"Possible. But not very probable. Do you really intend to risk Enterprise's safety on such a small, unlikely possibility?"

"No, T'Pol, of course not. But what do you want me to do? Dawdle about when Trip and Malcolm need our help?"

"I do not think we are dawdling about, Captain," T'Pol stated, ignoring Archer's weary sigh. "Fact is that we cannot cross the Merakian territory without risking a fight. And getting involved in a fight means that Enterprise will suffer damage. Even in the very unlikely case that we win, we will not be able to get through a space battle undamaged. And damage will slow us down. If we are forced to cross the alien territory at warp 2, we will not have gained any advantage. Not to speak of the fact that we will be more vulnerable to further attacks."

"I know, I know," Archer admitted, if a little reluctantly. "I won't argue your logic. Still, I think another attempt at negotiation won't hurt. Maybe there's something we can offer them, something that would make them less reluctant to let us cross their borders."

"What are you thinking of, Captain?"

"No idea. Antimatter, spare parts, the recipe for pecan pie for all I care. Tell Hoshi to try again."

T'Pol informed Hoshi about the captain's orders, without mentioning the pecan pie, of course. Then she turned back to the captain, giving him a strange look. "I am sure Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed are well, Captain."

Jon threw her an astonished look. That was an unusual statement for the vulcan Subcommander.

"I'm not so sure, considering what K'Tokh told us about that asteroid field. Their chances of survival are minimal, T'Pol."

"You are worried about the commander," T'Pol stated calmly.

"And Lieutenant Reed."

"Of course. But you are experiencing regret at having sent the commander on this mission."

"It was a mistake. In his current condition, Trip is not fit for full duties."

"Doctor Phlox deemed it an acceptable risk."

"Because none of us knew what was going to happen."

"Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed are capable officers, Captain. I am certain they are in control of their situation."

"Yes, but Lieutenant Reed is in a healthy physical condition. Which cannot be said of Trip."

"I do not think Commander Tucker would like anyone to make concessions to his current handicap, Captain. Besides, I am sure the commander will find ways to compensate for his physical weakness. Mr. Tucker is a natural survivor, and he will handle this situation at the best of his abilities."

"I never knew you thought that highly of Trip."

"I have learned to appreciate Commander Tucker's talents. The way he handles his handicap deserves my respect."

"Well, to be honest, I don't think he did that great the last few days."

"It is not unusual for humans to experience frustration at times like this. Commander Tucker is no exception to the rule. It is understandable that he experiences anxiety concerning his future life."

"What do you mean?"

"This relapse may not be the only one."

Jon looked at T'Pol. The vulcan woman never ceased to surprise him - her outward demeanor was as cool as a frozen lake, but beneath the surface she hid a far more compassionate mind than anyone would have thought at first glance.

"Trip's afraid he'll suffer a relapse whenever he exhausts himself, and that he'll be dependent on a wheelchair for the rest of his life. The idea really gets him down."

"The possibility of that happening cannot be denied."

"Yes, I know." Jon examined his hands. "I wish I could help him, T'Pol, but I don't know what to do."

"You are doing your best, Captain. Our first and foremost priority is now to find the commander and the lieutenant."

The intercom buzzed. "Sato to Captain Archer."

Jon answered. "Yes, Hoshi? Get anywhere?"

"I'm afraid not, Captain. Captain K'Tokh didn't even answer our first hails, and then she was rather..." Hoshi hesitated. "Rude," she said then. "They are not interested in any negotiations whatsoever."

Ensign Faulkner joined the conversation. "They are still following us, Captain, and have their weapons locked on our engines. Do you want me to..."

"No, Ensign. We can't risk another provocation. Hoshi, tell K'Tokh we'll avoid their territory, and that she can stop breathing down our necks. If she doesn't want to help us, then I see no reason for her to stay."

"I'll tell her, sir," Hoshi said.

T'Pol stepped up next to Archer. "Maybe you'll be able to find a more diplomatic phrasing, Ensign," she said, throwing Archer an inscrutable look.


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One person has made comments

Wow! This is really good! The whole "being each others hands and feet" is a good theme. Keep up the awesome work!!